Meow Circulation: 175,667,356 Issue: 359 | 12th day of Gathering, Y10
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"It's just not worth it, being painted. If I have to give up my best friend in the whole wide world just so I can be a frilly little brat with wings, I'd rather be yellow any day."

At the End of the Rainbow

A question posed by many Neopians is; "Why do we bother painting our pets colours?" Our pets are just as happy being red, yellow, blue or green as if they were a disco, Maraquan or invisible, is a claim made by many. So what is the reasoning behind spending our hard-earned neopoints on something so trivial as a colour? Many feel that the painting of their pets reflect them as owners - if their pet is an original, sought-after colour, then they are a successful owner, and their neopets must be the best looked after in all Neopia. But is that true?

A Closer Look at the Kadoatery

Feeders race to get to a Kadoatie; they have both proudly produced the wanted item from their bags, and are tripping over themselves in their haste to reach the cage. In that fleeting instant, a third feeder sprints up breathlessly and overtakes them. Neopoints are flying out of his pocket as he tears along the ground, but the glittering waste is the least of his worries. He clutches the wanted item in his hand as if it were the one treasure in the world, slams himself against the cage, and tremblingly forces the food down the Kadoatie's throat...

Your Username Is Fine

Nothing is wrong with your username. There is no need to create another new account just because you grew bored with the username of the last one. There are many usernames out there in Neopia that contain numbers and underscores. So what, right? Well, there are many people who look at their username and think, "Ugh, why did I pick this one?" Normally the reason for this distaste is the extra characters, or just the words themselves. If this is you, there are things you can to do solve the problem...

Other Stories
"Misfortune's Comb" by vanessa1357924680
Androma happened to have the record for the longest streak of consecutive Beauty Contest wins in the history of the competition, and she took pride in her accomplishment. No one in the long history of the competition had ever won a mindboggling fifty-one weeks in a row before, except for Androma. Just one more win and she'd be the Beauty Contest champion for a straight year. And she had no doubt in her mind...

"Apoc vs. the Soup Kitchen" by mystery_island111223
As Apoc was slipping into a pleasant dream involving him ruling the planet, MI set down his Zafara Tourist Camera and said something quite interesting. "And here's Jay at the Soup Kitchen!" What? Soup Kitchen? His owner always had seemed to be financially stable. He bought good food for four neopets, had a nice sized neohome, had good friends, and had his shop named after Bori. Could he really have gone to...

"Thicker" by micrody
Next to the bowl sat a small paper card, folded in half with the words, "Homemade hard candy. Five for 5NP," written across it in elegant handwriting. But as Edax had realized far too many times that day, he had no Neopoints, and his mother had said he wasn't allowed anything to eat until dinner. But he wanted one now. He had to have one now. He couldn't wait—if he waited, they could all be sold and he would never, ever get to taste one...

Stand Out From The Crowd

This week's issue is brought to you by: Catch the Petpet
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The Wheel of Knowledge Issue
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Faerie Best Friend: Part Two
"We won a paint brush from the Fruit Machine," Filly answered before I could speak. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you..."

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