Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 175,667,356 Issue: 359 | 12th day of Gathering, Y10
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Short Stories

Colour of Shame

"She thinks you need a new appearance. She thinks young neopets may find you frightening." My tail hit the ground.

by jackjack1234
The Shadow

Destruction was her middle name, and due to the fact nobody knew her first name anymore... destruction was all she had.

by yellowsugardog
Apoc vs. the Soup Kitchen

"Min! Min! I've got another plan for world domination!" cried Apoc.

by mystery_island111223
It All Started At the Prize Shop

Puppyblew smiled. Today was the day that the prize shop opened.

by conniex299
Inside the Wishing Well

And then, its roof shimmering in the dying sun, Meesha spotted the Wishing Well.

by specklit
Space Filler

It was scarier than your grandma knitting a sweater with three arm holes and tons of frilly lace...

by doopingla

I should have known at the time not to be so inquisitive. I really only have myself to blame.

by flying_tree
Misfortune's Comb

The Royal Peophin made extra careful preparations so that she would be absolutely gorgeous for win number fifty-two...

by vanessa1357924680
The Draikess and The Red Coat

A smirk rested on her lips, and her right hand cradled a scimitar. "Do you suppose it is magic enough to save you from the bounty on your head?"

by tashni
A Fortune to Beat

I want to go to the gypsy camp. Charlie thinks I shouldn't bother them, but ...

by twocents

Next to the bowl sat a small paper card, folded in half with the words, "Homemade hard candy. Five for 5NP."

by micrody
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"Misfortune's Comb" by vanessa1357924680
Androma happened to have the record for the longest streak of consecutive Beauty Contest wins in the history of the competition, and she took pride in her accomplishment. No one in the long history of the competition had ever won a mindboggling fifty-one weeks in a row before, except for Androma. Just one more win and she'd be the Beauty Contest champion for a straight year. And she had no doubt in her mind...

Other Stories


The Last Smiley: Your Last Trophy?
It's your task to find the smileys and take them back to Neopia.

by leeteh


Nosey's 'Surf Neopia' Trip and Surf Report
Let’s start where surfing began, shall we?

by thealleycat13


The Book: Part One
Of course she had always been a mad old witch, but now people began to consider that she might be an insane old witch.

by herdygerdy


The Fate of the Lost City of Geraptiku: Part Three
Princess Nevada's orders were clear in his mind, banning any other thought. Get all the citizens to the Tomb.

by rest_in_boredom


Hide and Seek
Do you want to play?

by emaciate


Sanity Matters
Uh... I'm sure that'll come out with some shampoo. :D;;;

by acantho

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