teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 105,101,325 Issue: 206 | 2nd day of Gathering, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"If anything happens, I'm gonna need to you to jump in front of me and sacrifice yourself, okay?"

A Lot of Interest

Ever wonder where that money-grubbing, bank-managing Skeith earns all those extra Neopoints to pay everyone daily interest? Well, right here, right now, it is time for him to be exposed. There are many theories...

Take Your Time

I've seen a lot of Time Tunnel guides that show you how to challenge the clock. Rushing through without thinking all that much. Well, this one is different. This one shows you that slow and steady wins the race...

Smart Battling

Intelligence and speed aren't really what most would think of training up for battle, well, Brightvale Armoury, a.k.a. BA, is slowly changing the fact that most pets rely on their brawns to do their bidding...

Other Stories
"Houston, We Have a Problem" by playmobil_is_my_life
"Your permission to come aboard, Captain?" Wiseguy the glowing Wocky looked at who was in the doorway of the spaceship. It was only Tweetie, his younger brother and fellow astronaut. Wiseguy nodded gravely and answered, "Permission granted."

"Benny the Blade" by christinetran
It was another cold and clammy night upon the drenched and obscure shores of Krawk Island. Thick, murky waves crashed against the steep, gray cliffs, and the sky was covered in black clouds. Heavy wind screamed tirelessly from all directions as it threw itself against the wooden hulls of docked ships...

"Her Piece of the Sky" by larenbeka
She smiled gently and her jade eyes glazed over happily. She thought of her owner, Kati, and her wonderful cookies, the way she smiled when she was excited, how she surprised her every once in a while, and the brilliant times they had together. She was an only pet and she was content to the brim...

Scrambling for Scamanders?

This week's issue is brought to you by: Scamander Swarm
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Great stories!


Deviant: Criminal Nose! :O
Run for your lives, fools. It's teh CRIMIN4L N053!!1 D;

by rekaru


Those Darn Kadoaties
Finally! A Draik egg!

by spooky_squee7


Oops, Wrong Sloth.. O_o

by darkyra


I think it's time to get a new name...

by confuzerated


Shadow Grows Up
Shadow was put in her pink playpen next to where Mrs. Harris was sitting. And naturally as adults do when babies are around, Mrs. Harris started patting Shadow's head and pinching her cheeks and cooing...

by star_29791

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