Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 142,874,434 Issue: 200 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Make 200th Neopian Times commemorative gumballs. They’ll sell like hotcakes. Or at least like hot gumball-cakes.

NT 200 Extravaganza!

I’ve been lucky enough to be asked to attend the biggest event in this year’s Neopian calendar. Bigger than Sloth Appreciation Day and Gadgadsbogen combined. This is even bigger than the day the Chocolate Factory sprang a leak...


“Our Two Hundredth Edition!” it triumphantly declares. Puzzled, you peer at it further. Apparently, the publication is celebrating some sort of achievement. But now you are perplexed. You know exactly what to do with normal issues of the Times, but...

Dashing for Peanuts: 200m

Being Elephantes, we have a soft spot for peanuts and so buy a bag to occupy us while at the park. The story of why and how we created our game started just like any other day...

Other Stories
"Lucky Two Hundred" by taipeiss
She fluttered her leathery black wings, and then glanced back at the calendar before breaking into a grin. "Krawk Island with Jay" was penned for the day in dark green ink...

"The Issue 200 Mystery" by precious_katuch14 and shadowcristal
What Cristal didn't count on was actually bumping into someone - when the Art Gallery in the Deep Catacombs was nearly deserted...

"Two Hundred" by charmedhorses
"I know I say this every time," Miss Hickle went on, "but this is a fun project. It’s also personal, so you won't have to do much research. What I want you guys to do is think about 'two hundred'."

Action Packed (literally)

This week's issue is brought to you by: Petpet Cannonball
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Great stories!


A Wizards Beginning: Part Twelve
"Now, let's get started. We don't have much time," the green Ruki said and hurried to the middle of the living room...

by sirussblack


Fruity Salad Crossover
By the sea...

by eyekay


Siyana of Talador
I am a light faerie, a lady of Talador's High Council, or at least what is left of it after It came. My name is Siyana, and I'm the only thing my people have to count on...

by einstein20


Accidental Hero
Who was he? He was a Jetsam. He was a vampire. He was a friend. He was a hero...

by darkwolf__untamed


A. B.O.R.N. S.I.T.C.O.M.
You talkin' to me, icklebrain?

by wonderweezel

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