The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 99,279,380 Issue: 195 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Now I know why they call dreams dreams," she said to herself. "Because if you really believe in them, they will come to you."

Mystic Mushrooms

For those of you who know about the mushroom, those who are interested anyways, you would know that they are very mysterious. Popping up in the most unexpected places in your yard, and who said that your yard was the limit, the microscopic spores that fly off of the mushroom can go anywhere!...

Toughest Trophies

Everyone loves trophies; those gold, silver, and bronze figures on our user lookups that proudly tell everyone how great you are. Neopians from all over compete to get on the top of the high score tables and earn trophies to display. Many of us even collect them, trying to fill our page with every trophy in Neopia...

Top Secrets Revealed!

A while ago, a great secret was revealed to the whole Neopia. Probably not a lot of Neopians noticed this, since they were busy trying out for the competition in which this secret was announced indirectly. This message was cleverly hidden in Random Contest number 8...

Other Stories
"Dream" by bananas_and_cream
Why couldn't she have been born a faerie? She longed to live in the clouds now, more than ever before. Nobody would bother her!...

"Wingless Wonder" by spiritwolf_forever
He was misunderstood period. From his day of birth, he remained a mystery, all on his own. Nobody wanted to take care of the mishap...

"Chicken Dance" by really_awesome_d00d
He thought in dismay of his sister Nena, back in Neopia Central, who had become convinced, somehow, that she was a chicken...

The Coolest Petpets

This week's issue is brought to you by: Maraquan Petpets
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Great stories!


Why couldn't she have been born a faerie? She longed to live in the clouds now, more than ever before. Nobody would bother her!

by bananas_and_cream


The Son of Sahkmet: Part One
"No. I'm more confused. I feel like I'm being left of something, like how you and my uncle stop talking when I come in a room. You try to act normal, but I can tell something is going on."

by twirlsncurls5


The Card House Falls: Part Three
Sahara Princess snapped and her minions assembled themselves in a huge circle, keeping the green Wocky and the red Kougra out of reach of the doors, windows, and even any other rooms...

by appaloosa500


Chia are for eating
How do they do it?

by demonic_pulse


Harmless Wishes: Part Two
"Oh," the Gelert said. "Still, this wishdust is precious! Why's the price so low?"

by ladyariel32

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