A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 195,507,765 Issue: 857 | 22nd day of Awakening, Y21
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Short Stories

Unheard, Unseeing — Creamy's Petpet Spotlight

It all started when Alice was very young. It could have been only a short time ago, as Alice is still quite young.... We'll say it could have been in her first year of Neoschool — first or second.

by dewdropzz
What Lies Beneath

“If I have to fill out one more requisition request, I’m going to scream.”

by skutterbotched
The Ixi and the Queen

"Your Majesty, are you sure you wish to retain the services of a thief?"

by black_skull725
The Shenkuu Defender Tryouts

They seemed to be evenly matched as each of them won about half of their contests. Their owners did not mind them doing this too much as it was a way of them acquiring motivation and getting more exercise, they’d say. Even they had limits on this, of course, but, as it were, only rarely would their pets’ competition go far enough for them to be concerned.

by mbredboy31
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Partner Your Pet Perfectly: An A-Z Guide

If your pet is lucky enough to have a petpet, they will almost certainly have made a great friend for life. Petpets come in all shapes and sizes, each with their own quirks and personalities. Here I will run through a small selection of petpets your pet might meet, and hopefully they will find the perfect sidekick! These Altadorian petpets are famous throughout Neopia as the stars of Altador’s regular Chariot Chase events, where the biggest and strongest alabriss compete in dramatic and tension-filled races. Most alabriss do not undergo the intense training required for this, and so most grow to much smaller sizes, perfect to live comfortably in your neohome and to be cared for by your pet. Ah, babaas. These petpets can be seen in many different situations and I would be surprised if your pet hasn’t encountered them yet.

Other Stories


Myncis to go Bananas over!
Myncis are one of the smartest, most outgoing species in all of Neopia. Originating from Mystery Island, Myncis are known for their large ears and extremely curly tails.

also by masters_united and lookidontcare3

by k3l26


Exquisite Prizes: Lyra and Aurrick’s Favorite Items
---Starring Chessangie the Royalgirl Draik, Chessella the Pastel Draik, Maldice the Stealthy Draik, and Walda the ever so bratty Baby Kacheek!---

by _brainchild_


A Queen's Ascension - War:Part Eight
The Altadorian Docks were bustling as always, with many ships docked at the harbour and many more arriving or departing with goods from all over Neopia.

by dudeiloled


Searching a place:Part Four
Chapter 4. New Friendships, Altador and Moltara.

Also by Also by acespades1, charliews & hits

by nacil30


Ink: Inversion - Part 1
New to Ink or want a recap? Catch up at http://www.neopets.com/~Ronjono

by june_scarlet


Ice Cream Machine Woes
Today is the day!

in collaboration with imbitter & jordenluff

by depraving

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