teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 195,507,765 Issue: 857 | 22nd day of Awakening, Y21
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Ink: Inversion - Part 1

by june_scarlet

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Random Oddness: Partners and Sidekicks

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The Shenkuu Defender Tryouts
They seemed to be evenly matched as each of them won about half of their contests. Their owners did not mind them doing this too much as it was a way of them acquiring motivation and getting more exercise, they’d say. Even they had limits on this, of course, but, as it were, only rarely would their pets’ competition go far enough for them to be concerned.

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Average Neopians #2
Life outside of Neopia can be rough... That's what we have Neopets for!

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Geli Talks 3
Other pets, can't live with them and can't....live with them

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