Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 195,507,765 Issue: 857 | 22nd day of Awakening, Y21
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Benevolent Boss

Geez you'd think after this long he'd lighten up...

by _quartervirus_
Ink: Inversion - Part 1

New to Ink or want a recap? Catch up at http://www.neopets.com/~Ronjono

by june_scarlet
A Partner's Return

The reunion of two friends...

by krabbox
Rina Comics - Volume 3

Remember, it helps to be specific!

(Also by Neoskulltula)

by benrina

Average Neopians #2

Life outside of Neopia can be rough... That's what we have Neopets for!

by dynamic_junction
Uh, good aim?

The heart wants what it wants.

Also by grimlane.

by dianalovee

Ice Cream Machine Woes

Today is the day!

in collaboration with imbitter & jordenluff

by depraving

Monstrous Mayhem - Customization

Scary is a relative term.

by fallingdaybreak
Random Oddness: Partners and Sidekicks


by mistyqee
The Pant Devil Attacks!

At least he let you keep the fork.

by purplegirl_2012
Geli Talks 3

Other pets, can't live with them and can't....live with them

by cyberpuppy33
Skeith juice cocktail

Make sure you look whose listening...

by carmenprince
Search the Neopian Times


"The Ixi and the Queen" by black_skull725
"Your Majesty, are you sure you wish to retain the services of a thief?" King Hagan said, raising his eyebrows. The Faerie Queen nodded emphatically. "I think Hanso deserves another chance, and he will be able to use his abilities for good now. After all, he did save Neopia from impending doom," Queen Fyora replied. "You are also aware you are asking for one of the best knights in my army." "I am well aware of that, King Hagan. I am willing to compensate in whatever means necessary." King Hagan paused for a moment to think, and rubbed his right paw against his forehead. "Come to think of it, I think we can strike a deal. The university's sorcery department is currently understaffed." "You wish for monetary compensation to hire more researchers?" "No, I am asking for Faerieland's finest scholars to help bolster our university." Now it was Queen Fyora's turn to think deeply for a moment. Parting with some of her scholars would certainly slow down some of Faerieland's research, but research would all be in vain should a dangerous artifact wreak havoc on Faerieland again.

Other Stories


Unheard, Unseeing — Creamy's Petpet Spotlight
It all started when Alice was very young. It could have been only a short time ago, as Alice is still quite young.... We'll say it could have been in her first year of Neoschool — first or second.

by dewdropzz


The Shenkuu Defender Tryouts
They seemed to be evenly matched as each of them won about half of their contests. Their owners did not mind them doing this too much as it was a way of them acquiring motivation and getting more exercise, they’d say. Even they had limits on this, of course, but, as it were, only rarely would their pets’ competition go far enough for them to be concerned.

by mbredboy31


Defenders Wanted: Partners And Sidekicks
When Neopia is in danger who are you going to call? The Defenders of Neopia of course!

by pikachu315111


From Minion to Sidekick: A Guide to an Evil Career
So you landed your dream job, working for the next big bad, but how do you climb the slippery (and occasionally slimy) career ladder? Frequently to get a toe in the door to working for an evil overlord you will be starting right at the bottom as a humble, low-paid minion. Expect long hours, poor (if any) pay, and have to put up with frequently being a test subject for the inventions that the evil genius has come up with.

by smilingpony


Shadow Play:Part Two
Terra woke up from dreaming that she had a stomachache, to discover that she really did have a stomachache. This was not the first time this had happened in the middle of the night. With a grimace, she carefully rolled over onto her back and tried to relax, listening to her own breathing, trying to think of happy things.

by cosmicfire918


The Scorned House
A shadow was cast over the Haunted Woods as dark clouds gathered. A thick haze shrouded the forest of leafless trees. Along a narrow, winding dirt path, a lone, spirited young Bori made his way down the trail, lantern held high and close, his eyes wide, glancing back and forth, watching for any sign of movement behind the trees and within the very shadows.

by shadowknight_72

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