A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 193,765,667 Issue: 712 | 23rd day of Celebrating, Y17
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Short Stories

Christmas on the Space Station

It was exactly 11:00 pm when Dr. Frank Sloth became aware that he was not alone. If he had been standing on the observation deck of his magnificent space station, maybe he would not be feeling so ill at ease. Maybe the soft hairs on the back of his neck would not be prickling in response to an unknown danger. Here in his private quarters, however, the sensation meant that he was in for a world of trouble.

by xxskyisfallingxx
Dr Death's Translocation Device

The Day of Giving dawned cold and bleak in a certain corner of Neopia Central, where dozens of pets without families huddled together in the Pound. They had spent the night under the large window in the reception area, staring up at the few stars that managed to peek through the gathering clouds. By morning, the fluffy white puffs had turned dark gray, and snow had started to tumble out of them.

by phadalusfish
A Settling of Differences

The spirit of Christmas comes in many different forms. It often symbolizes togetherness, family, caring for one another, ending one life while slowly building another. But in most occasions, Christmas is nothing more than an opportunity for change, a day of giving. This was not one of those occasions.

Also by lute248

by cherishtwilight

A Very Special Wish

It was a chilly morning in Neopia Central, with frost settling on the rooftops and a blistering breeze blowing through the trees. The sun had barely risen and the streets were empty, with the exception of one lone white Aisha who was shuffling along the path. Her head was wrapped warmly in a fluffy scarf, and her hands were buried deep in her coat pocket, fighting off the winter cold.

by alyndasgallery
A Queen's Ascension - Christmas

Princess Vyssa could not help but feel excited. She had spent the past few weeks annoying all of the servants, advisors and senators at the palace with her constant ramblings and demands, and now the day was finally almost here. Christmas was tomorrow!

by dudeiloled
A Brynnso Christmas Special 2

Hanso: (charmingly) Hey everybody, welcome to A Brynnso Christmas Special 2, sponsored by the Faerieland Wintertime Societ—

Brynn: (annoyed) Hanso I just said all that!

Hanso: (filled with his brand of charismatic innocence) Well maybe some of the crowd wanted to hear it from me!

by rielcz

Usuki Singing Stars #28: Scary Volunteers

“I’m freezing!” Scary fumed, shivering as Patricia approached her. The purple Bruce sighed as she hugged herself and buried her face in her scarf. “Why in Neopia do we have to come here today?? Can’t we just say we did our volunteer scheme?”

by downrightdude
A Kadtacular Christmas

Vinny pressed his nose into the glass, a fine mist clouding the window as he breathed. It was a mild day in Neopia Central, they don’t feel the same chill that comes to the residents of Happy Valley, but he was still sporting a light blue jacket. Vinny was out with owner looking at the Neopian shops for Christmas gifts when a particular establishment caught his eye.

by brooklyn3223
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Last Year Advent Calendar Interviews

Everyone’s favorite Month of Giving activity, the Advent Calendar, is well known for more than just a month worth of free gifts. Every day we’re presented with a new holiday animation ranging from comedic to heartwarming. Sometimes these animations even feature a famous character, usually ones who had been involved with an event during the past year. However, while the animations tell a self contained story, sometimes don’t you wonder what led up to or happened after the animation? I decided for some of them to find out, so I went around to many famous Neopets characters

Other Stories


Spreading The Christmas Spirit
It’s that time of year when everyone in Neopia is rushing around in preparation for their Christmas celebrations. Do we even stop to think about what Christmas Spirit really is? It is so easy to get caught up in making our Christmas lists and thinking about what material items we want to receive. Let’s not forget the true meaning of Christmas which is giving and spreading love.

Also written by dutchese159

by krispykritter6


Holiday Neopets
Oh, the moment every Neopian has been waiting for is finally approaching. Stockings are lined against the edges of the fireplace, Jazzmosis Christmas music floods the air, a large ornamented evergreen Christmas tree stands in the corner of every Neopian’s living room, and a fresh batch of cookies rest on a plate next to a glass of milk on the table. The night has come for Santa Claus to plop down the chimney and deliver gifts, bringing joy to thousands of Neopets and spreading smiles when they wake the next morning.

by alienspacefairy


Beneath the Haunted Woods: Part Two
“ARTHUR! PARLEBB!” Clara yelled at the top of her lungs as she bashed her fist against the pile of rubble. It was to no avail, as there was no response from the other side of the cave-in. She clenched her fist, her tiny claws scraping the surface of the rocks. She punched the pile of rubble and kicked a small rock, launching it a couple feet into the air before it bounced off the cavern wall. She cursed as pain seared through her bare toes.

by shadowknight_72


Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Long Shadows: Part Three
The ship touched down on Terror Mountain, and the hatch opened. Aisheena and Chloe wheeled the secure container carrying the Painted Lady out, squinting to prevent snow from blowing into their eyes. A group of Chias waited with a sled, which they deposited the box onto.

by kristykimmy


Anniversary - Part 13
Oh, you defeated the Darkest Faerie in three seconds? Must be a new record.

by caylista


The Perfect Gift
Family is the best gift.

Also by parody_ham

by iciclefaerie05

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