For an easier life Circulation: 193,765,667 Issue: 712 | 23rd day of Celebrating, Y17
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Continued Series

The Amulet's Curse: Part Eight

“TAELIA! TAELIA!” Hannah called, clearly worried about the faerie.

“Hahaha! She can’t hear you. She’s out cold. And while she sleeps, I’m stealing all her power. Soon the Pharaoh will AWAKEN!” The mysterious neopet exclaimed.

by corrina404

The Bag: Part Two

I jump out of the carriage and scan the area for the driver. I find the orange Acara laying face down in the snow under the wheel of the carriage. "Oh no." Alice climbs out of the carriage after me. She watches as I pull the Acara out from under the wheel, and try to turn him over. I heave a sigh of relief when I discover he's still breathing, and seems to be in stable condition, other than the fact that he's unconscious.

by dewdropzz
Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Long Shadows: Part Three

The ship touched down on Terror Mountain, and the hatch opened. Aisheena and Chloe wheeled the secure container carrying the Painted Lady out, squinting to prevent snow from blowing into their eyes. A group of Chias waited with a sled, which they deposited the box onto.

by kristykimmy
Beneath the Haunted Woods: Part Two

“ARTHUR! PARLEBB!” Clara yelled at the top of her lungs as she bashed her fist against the pile of rubble. It was to no avail, as there was no response from the other side of the cave-in. She clenched her fist, her tiny claws scraping the surface of the rocks. She punched the pile of rubble and kicked a small rock, launching it a couple feet into the air before it bounced off the cavern wall. She cursed as pain seared through her bare toes.

by shadowknight_72
Duplicity: Part Three

It was quiet. Leaves crackled and quivered in the breeze. The roses that wrapped around the balcony’s railings exuded a faint perfume. Lisha and Jeran stared out into the empty night sky, ignoring the city below.

by likelife96
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"Dr Death's Translocation Device" by phadalusfish
The Day of Giving dawned cold and bleak in a certain corner of Neopia Central, where dozens of pets without families huddled together in the Pound. They had spent the night under the large window in the reception area, staring up at the few stars that managed to peek through the gathering clouds. By morning, the fluffy white puffs had turned dark gray, and snow had started to tumble out of them. The window frosted over, obscuring their view. Cabb, a Robot Shoyru, was the only one among the bunch who wasn’t shivering. “There’s still plenty of time,” he said to the Maraquan Usual curled up at his feet casings. “The holidays aren’t over yet.” She nodded, looked up at the window and sniffed. They had been here the longest, Cabb and the Usul. Many of the others had come and gone in the past few months, but no one wanted to make friends with a cold metal Shoyru or a slimy Maraquan Usul.

Other Stories


A Very Special Wish
It was a chilly morning in Neopia Central, with frost settling on the rooftops and a blistering breeze blowing through the trees. The sun had barely risen and the streets were empty, with the exception of one lone white Aisha who was shuffling along the path. Her head was wrapped warmly in a fluffy scarf, and her hands were buried deep in her coat pocket, fighting off the winter cold.

by alyndasgallery


A Queen's Ascension - Christmas
Princess Vyssa could not help but feel excited. She had spent the past few weeks annoying all of the servants, advisors and senators at the palace with her constant ramblings and demands, and now the day was finally almost here. Christmas was tomorrow!

by dudeiloled


20 Festive Winter Wigs
It’s the winter season and the month of Celebrating, and what Neopet doesn’t prefer to celebrate in style? As your Neopet visits the Advent Calendar, it’s the perfect time to show off a fashionable look. One of the key elements of a good look is the perfect wig. This list will highlight some of the best as well as some of the more unique options available to help make your Neopet stand out this season.

by szkageyoshi


Looking Great for Holiday Cooking
Whiles there is a lot going on it doesn't mean that you should look stressed or haggard because you're in the kitchen all day cooking for everyone. Food is a major part of the Christmas holiday and making your treasured neopets look their best is essential. Looking fantastic in any situation would make you feel your best any time of day.

Also written by Greyfever

by yuri445


Anniversary - Part 13
Oh, you defeated the Darkest Faerie in three seconds? Must be a new record.

by caylista


Crazopia Central: Holiday Shopping
Oh no! It's that time of year again!

by lasaramar

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