A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 191,805,153 Issue: 621 | 15th day of Storing, Y15
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Short Stories

The Dream Journal of the Grey Bori

Szarawe's Journal, Dreamdate Alpha-Pi 7500

Today's journey began in the Plains of Lucidity.

by ezel68

Curses of the Catacombs

"Well, seeing as we've never been in these catacombs, we have no idea what we'll be up against. Spyders, cultists, ghost zombies..." He nudged Kell. "Or possibly Batterflies."

Also by simies12

by amulet_strawberry

The Legend of the Nightsteed

Once upon a time, long, long ago, when the sands of the Desert were still young and the people who lived within them rugged and mistrustful, there stood a marvellous city...

by karen_mckenzie

"Look, Clover." Melissa leaned over and held her Baby Gelert up to the window. "It's snowing."

by meadows_lark
The Skunk and Woodlander

My heart nearly leapt out my throat as my paws pounded across the ground, leading me into a large forest.

by skittyfan100
Presumably Safe

"I've never been to the Lost Desert before!" The little Zafara bounded excitedly from one stall to another.

by almedha
A Family Truth

Ezanna leaned against the wooden door frame, his long, black claws shoved into the pockets of his red Neovian coat. He tapped his foot against the floor.

by battlesunn
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"The Dream Journal of the Grey Bori" by ezel68
I do not eat bad dreams, or gain power from them. I interfere with them to allow their victims to have a peaceful sleep. To them, I appear as a black-furred Bori in a large gray raincoat...

Other Stories


Happy Birthday!: Top 14 Items to Celebrate Birthdays
Another year older for our beloved Neopets, and now it's time to celebrate!

Also by pacificana

by dragoonhunter682


I'm NOT Too Old – A Rant
Contrary to the belief of my friends, and maybe some of yours too, Neopets is NOT just a kid's site.

by silverbreeze


The Metal Lutari: Part Three
We all had our own benches to work at, tons of supplies were spaced out around the huge room, and we basically could do whatever we wanted. We tinkered, we tested and we invented.

by katiepfeil


Faerie Wings: The Fate of Kira - Part Nine
Kira formed a fist with her hand as she growled. "There is absolutely NO way that I'm going to surrender my circlet to you, Hanso! And you better tell Rosia that right away!"

by downrightdude


Celebrate Neopets's B-Day!
The Snowager loves cakes!

by eilitha


Aisha Soup: Happy Birthday!
Looking forward to another great year, Neopets!

by the_shii

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