Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 191,805,153 Issue: 621 | 15th day of Storing, Y15
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Continued Series

Faerie Wings: The Fate of Kira - Part Nine

Kira formed a fist with her hand as she growled. "There is absolutely NO way that I'm going to surrender my circlet to you, Hanso! And you better tell Rosia that right away!"

by downrightdude
Coronation: Part Four

"Oh, that was so embarrassing," I moaned as I regained consciousness. I was lying down in Jhuidah's bed. "So what ended up happening? Did any of you hear the scream?"

Also by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma

The Orbs of Power: Part Eight

My jaw fell open, and my heart lurched with shock. At the very moment Fyora had spoken that last sentence, everything seemed to have been turned on its head.

by burning_shadows_79
Agent of the Sway: Isolation - Part Three

"Did you feel that?" she whispered like a child. "We've done it! It really worked!"

"No sign of your machine, I see," Clayton whispered back. "It really was a one way trip."

by herdygerdy

The Island of Mist: Part Five

"This is it," Logan said to Sareece once the cave came into view. "Are you ready?"

by lizzy_beth_750551
Deeper: Part Two

I had to be a good shot, or otherwise people would realize there was something wrong with Eva Starender. It would definitely blow my cover.

by kristykimmy
The Metal Lutari: Part Three

We all had our own benches to work at, tons of supplies were spaced out around the huge room, and we basically could do whatever we wanted. We tinkered, we tested and we invented.

by katiepfeil
It Takes a Thief: Part Two

Kanrik took a deep breath. He had to lose the Queen of Qasala – she might be a noblewoman, but apparently it took more than twelve years of queenship to get the street rat out of somebody.

by saphira_27
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The Perfect Birthday Bash

With TNT's 14th Birthday here, it's about that time to be planning out your birthday festivities. You want to make sure your party runs as smoothly as possible, but how do you know whom to invite? Neopia is filled with so many great Neopians, but some are a little more... er... high maintenance than others (and let's be honest, some are just downright obnoxious!). Our mission here is to help you filter your guest list...

Other Stories


The Skunk and Woodlander
My heart nearly leapt out my throat as my paws pounded across the ground, leading me into a large forest.

by skittyfan100


"Look, Clover." Melissa leaned over and held her Baby Gelert up to the window. "It's snowing."

by meadows_lark


I'm NOT Too Old – A Rant
Contrary to the belief of my friends, and maybe some of yours too, Neopets is NOT just a kid's site.

by silverbreeze


How to Throw The Perfect Birthday Bash
Our mission here is to help you filter your guest list down a little bit by telling you whom you should not invite to your birthday bash.

Also by bha288

by drobit


The 'Grave Danger' is Miscommunication
You always wonder what they're REALLY thinking.

by tana1135293490934


A Mistaken Identity
Say hello to the new Tamed Mini-Monster petpet!

Concept by pudao

by shadowbird97

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