Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 191,805,153 Issue: 621 | 15th day of Storing, Y15
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New Series

In The Heat Of The Moment: Part One

"There has never been one single reported case of the Snowager having eaten anybody."

"Well, that's only because it's difficult to make a report... when you're being digested!"

by horripilated

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The Perfect Birthday Bash

With TNT's 14th Birthday here, it's about that time to be planning out your birthday festivities. You want to make sure your party runs as smoothly as possible, but how do you know whom to invite? Neopia is filled with so many great Neopians, but some are a little more... er... high maintenance than others (and let's be honest, some are just downright obnoxious!). Our mission here is to help you filter your guest list...

Other Stories


The Legend of the Nightsteed
Once upon a time, long, long ago, when the sands of the Desert were still young and the people who lived within them rugged and mistrustful, there stood a marvellous city...

by karen_mckenzie


The Skunk and Woodlander
My heart nearly leapt out my throat as my paws pounded across the ground, leading me into a large forest.

by skittyfan100


Greatest Autumn-looking Items: Part 1
The greatest autumn-looking items ever made.

Also by omgitspuppeh

by sosunub


Happy Birthday!: Top 14 Items to Celebrate Birthdays
Another year older for our beloved Neopets, and now it's time to celebrate!

Also by pacificana

by dragoonhunter682


It totally works.

Also by vitorplemes

by saudadesdagripe


Beauty Contest Advertisments
A true story.....

by blackforest_wolf

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