Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 188,131,375 Issue: 425 | 8th day of Sleeping, Y12
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Short Stories


His paws ached. They had been right, all of them. Gnorbu were not built for climbing mountains.

by punkinunk
The Flavour of Thunder

Rufe loved how the air tasted when a really serious storm was brewing. It tasted like burnt popcorn – of excitement, and freedom, and the wild abandon of thunder rolling over the skies.

by mubris
Family Fun Fridays Not So Much Fun

"Have any of you guys seen my purse?" she asked as she threw all the pillows off the couch.

by kittybutterscotch
Revenge of the Meepits

"A trip? Indeed? But where to, my good Meepit?"

by bearhollow
The History of Backgrounds

Pete the green Kyrii settled down on the hill looking up on the Altador shores. He unfolded his easel and chose some paint colors.

by danielleplicka
Project: Gnomebuster Rescue

"We've eliminated the gnome threat in Brightvale," Truth said over the radio. "We're headed back to base with the captured gnomes."

by pokemaster_ultimate
Pirate Letters


I'm not sure if you remember me. You used to play with me and Jacques on Krawk Island.

by jdb1984

A Slorgy Tale

Once upon an obscure time in an equally obscure land far away was an obscure kingdom called Slorgland.

by o_liveandlearn_o
Turmaculus Memories

In a hidden glade, deep in the forests of Meridell, the large Turmaculus sleeps. Time moves soundlessly, nights into days and minutes into years...

Also by pafc_will

by ginny_invisible

A Glimpse of Mine

It's that time of week again. The morning of a Saturday, the weekend, I am very glad to say.

by farah_fadam
In the Neopian Pound

She huddled in the corner of her cage (and it was a cage, albeit a comfortable one, no matter what anyone said), barely even glancing at the crowds of people making their way through the corridor outside.

by pokewomon
Search the Neopian Times


"The Puzzling Voyage to Geraptiku" by stingjc
Scrap awoke to the gentle swaying of the pirate ship he had hidden aboard. The previous night was a blur to the young Gnorbu. He remembered it had been storming, and he had hidden himself among a group of crates which seemed to be carrying hay. He remembered...

Other Stories


10 Characters You Don't Want To Meet In Neopia
A list of the top ten devious, dangerous and deadly characters in Neopia.

by valkyrieshadows


Key Quest: Keeping the Game From 'Ending Abnormally'
There will always be an element of luck, but by following the tips in this article, you can reduce your time wasted.

by dragonoftheseas2


The Gift of Winter: Part Three
"He's so small," the Snow Faerie observed, her eyes sparkling. "It's like he was a gift from winter itself."

by cheeseworld101


The Wise Whoot: Guardian of the Elements - Part Six
Blaze sat there, stunned, looking over the Starry Lupe. "You're Star? You're Zihark's old master?"

by bluehamster9981


Thought Bubbles
What's a Cockroach?

by adsers


A Neo Look Caves and Corridors

by jewelia52

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