Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 176,968,344 Issue: 424 | 31st day of Celebrating, Y11
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Short Stories

The Greatest Treasure of All

Reluctantly, you pick up your pace to keep up with your eager neopet, who is darting ahead of you with immaculate speed - towards the Snowager.

Also by lucky_oreo_13

by krystak47

Surviving Summer Camp

She hasn't said much since arriving. There's a rumor going around that her owner spent her last neopoints to send her here.

by shyn12
Her First Spin

"Why did she HAVE to choose THIS as her first game as a day old pet," Katrina mumbled to herself...

by scottskitteh
Don't Be a Punchbag

"Fine, fine, I'm tired of you blocking my office door every day. Go out back and pick a fight with Punchbag Bob. You win and I'll sign you up."

by stoicjohn
A Squire's Dream Come True

JuunPyu drew his sword and began practicing...

by elegantmellbell
Life of Fighting

The green Grarrl shifted his weight slightly, causing his heavy armor to move and clang against itself with a loud ring that echoed through the chamber.

by labrat42
The Robbers

"That is NOT how you cut apples," snapped the older yellow Kyrii. "Hold it like this," she told him, fixing his grip...

by cloud411908
A Knight's Destiny

"Okay, we need... squire Ruchio and squire Cobra... to come to the sparring ring."

by neojedi11
Just the Bunch of Us

For a long time, it was just the three of us: Atta, Mars, and me, Batty the Korbat.

by little_miss_scare_al
Unsent Again

I apologize for not writing sooner. You'll never believe how far we had to walk from Shadow Gulch in order to get to the bottom of the Case of the Haunted Woods' Eternal Sunshine, or at least that's what Mipsy and Velm have decided to call it.

by precious_katuch14
The House Down Fog Road

"My stories tend to be... too depressing for the public. This is my latest." Lady Mist sighed. "I don't know what I'll do if I find another rejection letter in my mail."

by happiness_express
New Priorities

The plushie Draik sighed grumpily, feeling very put-upon indeed. "No. I don't want any of those ugly things."

by kingskid999
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"Don't Be a Punchbag" by stoicjohn
"Fine, fine, I'm tired of you blocking my office door every day. Go out back and pick a fight with Punchbag Bob. You win and I'll sign you up. Let me see your weapons... SNOWBALLS!!!!! You can't beat Punchbag with... never mind. Just go do your best, kid..."

Other Stories


The Perfect Pound Pet!
Good luck in finding YOUR dream pet!

by amysmother_8


Time for Limes
Hey there, Neopia! Are you bored of eating the same old boring fruit and veg struggling to get your five a day?

by rck2002


The Gift of Winter: Part Two
Insa spotted an approaching speck in the distance. She sighed in relief, knowing that the messenger she had sent was approaching.

by cheeseworld101


Above The Ashes: Part Three
"Ah, yes, Grand Elder Kyruggi. I daresay your story is the most alarming of them all. By all means, begin," Fyora invited her...

Also by imogenweasley. Art by imogenweasley.

by dan4884


Evasive Action

by fancyapineapple


The Good, The Bad and The Stupid

by saturn54738

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