Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 176,968,344 Issue: 424 | 31st day of Celebrating, Y11
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New Series

The Fallen: Faint-Hearted - Part One

The day that Lure Brighten was born would have been like any other day...

by ayame_23
The Captain's Son: Part One

Albatross was beginning to wonder what on Neopia the Kyrii was doing when a monstrous Scorchio emerged from the depths. Drops of water ran down her orange scales...

by winterhome
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Out-Duel on the Decks

Dueling Decks is one of the newest strategy games in Neopia. In it, you play against a Mynci by the name of Zenco the Magnificent in a contest to see who can win all of the 20 playing cards. Each of the cards represent a famous (or not so famous) Neopian, all with values for Courage, Charisma and Intelligence. At the start of each turn, one card is selected for both you and Zenco...

Other Stories


The Robbers
"That is NOT how you cut apples," snapped the older yellow Kyrii. "Hold it like this," she told him, fixing his grip...

by cloud411908


New Priorities
The plushie Draik sighed grumpily, feeling very put-upon indeed. "No. I don't want any of those ugly things."

by kingskid999


Kitchen Quest – the Stats
I'll be looking at the statistics of Kitchen Quest, both for the sake of curiosity and for the effectiveness of training your pet's stats, with tips added to help make your quests run smoothly.

by gardener3


Help Chatting - A Neopian Hobby
Sometimes to seek help, sometimes to give help. Sounds familiar? Welcome to the hobby called HCing!

by neogal_anu


Rhacis was bored.

by scinnychan


AWESOME Sauce ~ Why Meepits ALWAYS win!
They aren't as skilled as they look.

Also by the wonderful waterglide

by picklecheesepie

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