For an easier life Circulation: 176,283,379 Issue: 341 | 2nd day of Hunting, Y10
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Short Stories

A Lesson Learned

There was a silver sign nailed to one of the trees. It said simply, "This Way..."

by dawnaurora

"Detention again, Sarah. Tomorrow, please try a little harder to focus..."

by irishiris
Flame in the Sky

It was Kreludor that he was concerned about today. His company had received information that there was a war brewing...

by flying_tree
Superhero Paint Brush

He finally had an idea! Surely the Rainbow Fountain Faerie never came up with all the Paint Brushes herself. Some of them must have been suggestions...

by firefox97ink
Play the Game

"Well, if Vanny can't do anything, she'll just have to sit out of our games of tag..."

by jayandcourtneyk
The Tree of Everlasting Meeples

"Have you guys been living in a sack? Meeples are Meepit apples. Only visible to Meepits..."

Art by ssjelitegirl

by ssjelitegirl

The Meepit Army Chronicles: Durian Wars

"A Feepit prisoner has escaped!"

by dogglefoxgirl
Stained Glass Windows

Ryan hated art. Anything that involved art such as painting, poetry, stories, sculptures, and music; you name it, he hated it...

by seferet
The Secrets of the Soup Faerie

Fryorica closed her eyes and pulled the trigger of her weapon, praying silently that she missed...

by laura_leigh23444
Good Differences

"Why am I a Zafara? The rest of my siblings are all Lupes, but I'm a Zafara..."

by doopingla
Help Wanted

"Mom," Emerveille whined. "I DON'T see the point in going to the Employment Agency so early on a Saturday morning..."

by maltese51191
A Hissi's Tail

"Lilah, were you daydreaming about going on some grand adventure again?"

by ally_cat220
The Search For A Cybunny

I mean, really – if Cybunnies were just roaming the countryside here on Roo Island – wouldn't we see them more often than just one day a year?

by esleyoga
Search the Neopian Times


Holidays: Darigan Citadel

Outside, the weather is always gloomy, with dark clouds and plenty of rain. Your pets mope around the house, doing all their chores slower than a Slorg. All of you want to take a break from reality and go on a vacation! And this year, my favorite pick is the Darigan Citadel. It's a fantastic place, filled with fun activities, impressive games, cheap shops, and a whole lot more! I know, I know. You're wondering about my mental health due to the insanity of this suggestion. But just finish reading...

Other Stories


The Villain's Guide to Being Taken Seriously
You have to get the cackle down pat before you do anything else. This is vital.

by daddysbookbutterfly


Top Eight Most Evil Neggs Of Neopia
No matter how much we fear and hate the evil that lurks in and above Neopia, we all can't help but adore its evil little Neggs...

by raven_13_13_31


The Curious Incident of the Statue in the Night-time: Part One
"Ask yourself, if you were a master criminal who had just escaped from a maximum security cell at the Defenders of Neopia Headquarters, would you come back to where you were caught?"

by herdygerdy


As Royalty Does: Part Two
"We are going," Zeekaye declared, "to the library..."

by wicked_summer


Creamy Fun
Who's winning NOW?

by unstolen


Um... say what?

by ghostkomorichu

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