There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 176,283,379 Issue: 341 | 2nd day of Hunting, Y10
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New Series

The Curious Incident of the Statue in the Night-time: Part One

"Ask yourself, if you were a master criminal who had just escaped from a maximum security cell at the Defenders of Neopia Headquarters, would you come back to where you were caught?"

by herdygerdy
Ten Acts Of Kindness, A Techo Story: Part One

If there was one thing he'd learned about the world, it was that he had to put up a tough front...

by indulgences
The Scary Story: Part One

The Haunted Woods has a number of scary stories...

by icesmith
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"Play the Game" by jayandcourtneyk
"Not good at tag. What the heck are they talking about? Tag is fun to play. So what if I never win?" The little Ixi knew she'd need to come up with something. She already figured that she was no good at coming up with ideas, so she'd get someone else to do it. Vanny skipped along, thinking of whom to go to for advice. She finally decided that she'd...

Other Stories


Flame in the Sky
It was Kreludor that he was concerned about today. His company had received information that there was a war brewing...

by flying_tree


A Lesson Learned
There was a silver sign nailed to one of the trees. It said simply, "This Way..."

by dawnaurora


Font Wars
One of the worst aspects of the font rating craze is that each rater rates to different criteria.

by aussiegirlkate


Top Plushies of Neopia!
The top 10 most loved, famous, cutest and the most rarest plushies Neopia has to offer!

by mexico802


Rock Solid Defense
There's a reason they come in the shape of a tombstone, I think...

by robin_goodfellow


For The Win;; Pie From The Sky
The breadmaster, yo!

Art by invalid_character

by ruby_petal

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