There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 177,074,073 Issue: 327 | 25th day of Sleeping, Y10
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Short Stories

The Other Side of the Rainbow

I looked up and saw hundreds and hundreds of these miserable creatures scattered all over the land. I knew suddenly we weren't in some neopoint-filled paradise; we had arrived in Roo Island...

Also written by scenette

by dark_slammer

The Faerie Blues

"Whyyyyyyyy?!" she shrieked mournfully, throwing herself back down onto the pillow...

by scarletspindle
The Snow Pet Repairsman

"Lydia, please. The doctor will be here in a few minutes. I don't think that Tommy will melt before then..."

by reggieman721
Safety Deposit Woes

"I just remembered that a neomail came for you today and the subject is 'Safety Deposit Box,'" Maddie told me as I read the neomail...

by kittybutterscotch
Intolerable Incalescence

I knew that all the glaciers in Happy Valley would have melted within seconds in this heat. This was the Lost Desert indeed...

by a_bowl_of_rice
Donny's Toy Repair Shop

Donny changed the "We Are Closed" sign on the door to "We Are Open!" He pulled up the window blinds and peered out, feeling a shiver of excitement...

by tallydepp
Appearances Aren't Everything

"Oh yum," she thought. "More soggy Omelettes. If only Jelly World existed. Then I could at least have a dessert..."

by heroed
The Promised Petpet

"They are going to gather up all the free petpets and make them live in cages! This is horrible!"

by hersheyschoc401
Courage, Hatred, and Swords

He knew Scarblade was often seen on Scurvy Island, though not many people mentioned his name. Why were people so scared of him anyhow?

by medit92
The Lupe Who Didn't Eat Chias

"Dude, look inside your lunch. You must be like, the luckiest Lupe in the world..."

by x_unlucky

And with the war going on and the fanciness of the lettering, there was really only one choice of who had sent the letter. The military...

by kittengriffin
The Necklace

A young Quiggle found it in the woods. A storm had started outside and he had been forced to take refuge...

by emilyg96angel
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"Donny's Toy Repair Shop" by tallydepp
Donny wasn't your typical Bori. Some tourists had even complained that his abruptness and general unfriendliness toward them had ruined their holiday, but this didn't faze Donny. As long as everyone paid to have their toys repaired, they could complain all they liked. One thing they never had cause to complain about...

Other Stories


More Neopian Book Reviews
Care of Chias: How to fry, bake, and season your Chia to perfection. No, really, it's good for their skin.

by qazx301


The Future of Customization: Fashion Shows?
Customization. It has revolutionized the way pets are dressed.

by yellow_apple873


Tales of Cadmium, Athena, and Saffron: The Fight - Part Three
"Well, you two have fun. Call me if you need anything, and Brett," she paused to address her pet, "remember, Bob the Meepit is watching..."

by rainpaint


Masquerades: Part Two
Deirdre leaned back in her bench and folded her arms as she glared at him indignantly. "It's times like this that I really wish I wasn't your secretary, sir..."

by punctuation_ninja


Freaked #2
Poor Maxterrz... Oh well!

by fricha


The Gallion Ranch
"Mediocrity has never been this much pain."

Script by hakuryu_86

by pacmanite

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