Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 177,074,073 Issue: 327 | 25th day of Sleeping, Y10
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Customisation Conundrum: To Dung or Not to Dung

One item has caused controversy since the customisation program has been created.

Co-written by petitehirondelline

by mazoku_kuiin

Guide to Successful Training and Weaponry by Boost

Alisha breaks down boost fighting, old skool style. Boost all the way! *insert rocker sign here*

by alisha_119
More Neopian Book Reviews

Care of Chias: How to fry, bake, and season your Chia to perfection. No, really, it's good for their skin.

by qazx301
Perplexing Puzzles: A Guide

Puzzles just never get the recognition they deserve. Often, they are seen as too easy or too hard. Here is a showcase of the Top Ten puzzles to play...

by lizzex8
The Future of Customization: Fashion Shows?

Customization. It has revolutionized the way pets are dressed.

by yellow_apple873
How to Make Good Screenshots

Above all else, you must use your common sense, and be creative.

by weaponstar
How to Keep the Rickety Boat Afloat

Goals, especially setting them, help a great deal when trying to get to where you want to.

by love_charmed
What Shopkeeper are YOU?

See which shopkeeper best fits your personality!

by evangeline_marie
Meepits - World Conquerors with "Adorable Buckteeth"

Meepits are indeed dangerous creatures.

by serissa98
Dueling Quills: Usuki vs. Quiguki

"Usuki are so disgustingly pink and girly! I may be a girl but I can't stand that pinkness! Quiguki are so much better."

Also by nativsis

by yoyote

Feeding Picky Meepits: A Guide to Meepit Juice Break

Meepits are picky little creatures! They will drink anything, but they really love the juice that matches their own color.

by faithstarlite
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Feed Picky Meepits

The meepits come in six colors. There are the simpler red, yellow, and blue corresponding to the machine, but there are also the more complicated orange, purple, and pink. Now, if you just want to play Meepit Juice Break, that's all you need to know, but if you REALLY want that avatar, stay tuned! Meepits are picky little creatures! They will drink anything, but they really love the juice that matches their own color. That is relatively easy when it comes to the red, yellow, and blue meepits, but the orange, purple, and pink can...

Other Stories


The Snow Pet Repairsman
"Lydia, please. The doctor will be here in a few minutes. I don't think that Tommy will melt before then..."

by reggieman721


The Lupe Who Didn't Eat Chias
"Dude, look inside your lunch. You must be like, the luckiest Lupe in the world..."

by x_unlucky


Tales of Cadmium, Athena, and Saffron: The Fight - Part Three
"Well, you two have fun. Call me if you need anything, and Brett," she paused to address her pet, "remember, Bob the Meepit is watching..."

by rainpaint


Karina, the Math Wiz: Part One
A little red Mynci squealed with excitement. "I... I... I got a perfect score?"

by sweetie_me274


Warning- Choking is a hazard to your health.

by pyro_wyvern1


Secret Hideout
(insert secret spy music here)

by summerchristmas838

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