There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 177,074,073 Issue: 327 | 25th day of Sleeping, Y10
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New Series

Karina, the Math Wiz: Part One

A little red Mynci squealed with excitement. "I... I... I got a perfect score?"

by sweetie_me274
A Locket: Part One

The drawing of the Lost Desert began to glow, although with closed eyes she could not see the orange-yellow sparkles rising from the paper...

by yellowsugardog
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"Safety Deposit Woes" by kittybutterscotch
"Now that I think about it, I did throw in some rotten things I forgot to take out..." I muttered to myself. "Besides, I bet we could go and sell some of the extra stuff to buy more food around the house," I said encouragingly. My pets didn't even look at me. "And maybe we could get some more toys around here..."

Other Stories


The Lupe Who Didn't Eat Chias
"Dude, look inside your lunch. You must be like, the luckiest Lupe in the world..."

by x_unlucky


The Necklace
A young Quiggle found it in the woods. A storm had started outside and he had been forced to take refuge...

by emilyg96angel


More Neopian Book Reviews
Care of Chias: How to fry, bake, and season your Chia to perfection. No, really, it's good for their skin.

by qazx301


The Future of Customization: Fashion Shows?
Customization. It has revolutionized the way pets are dressed.

by yellow_apple873


A normal day at the Garden Centre.

by tzintzuntzan


That's Weird...
You really think I'll believe that?

by __cuti3patooti3__

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