Voice of the Neopian Pound |
Circulation: 190,612,197 |
Issue: 577 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y15 |
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Headlines "Dr. Sloth Returns... again!" by dolphinsareawesome She plopped down onto the couch, unrolling the newspaper. Perhaps it would be something good, like a funny comic, or an interesting article, or maybe one of her own stories had made it in. She glanced at the headline: Anonymous Owner Discovers Mind Control Device in Sloth Cap. She sighed...
Other Stories
Friends and Memories I went to my desk and pulled out a picture from the drawer. It was of a red Draik, and a blue Cybunny, arm in arm, smiling. I turned it over gently in my hands, reading the memorized writing on the back.
by meadows_lark |
A Friend in Deed "The group project will be due in five weeks. Groups will be assigned on Friday. Remember, anyone who does not turn in a project will receive a zero for this class."
Also by gwendarwen
by ilhs11 |