Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 190,612,197 Issue: 577 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y15
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The Accidental Artist

There's an artist in everyone!

Idea by epicgiggle

by qelato

Muckla and the Hat Hunt #4

There are many logical things in Neopia. The Species specific concept is not one of them.

by lovisa966
Lab Rat Blues #4

Here you go.

by garfmaj
Oh Em Gee, I'm M.S.P: Meeps

Troubled Yoselle is troubled :c

by shamaela
Petpet Perils

I just won a game avatar!

by leaflunch
So Says the Slorg!

It's simply too epic to actually use.

by supercheezee
Fingerless Woes

His name is 'Hanso' for a reason.

by kimchiin

Or this, or that.

by moosie920
Cobrall Coffee

Here's your scratchcard!

by akuroy_of_the_moon
Holy Kau!


by fluffy_bumbkin
It's Just Not Worth It

I hear you collect avatars...

by rory321363
Santa's Secret Helpers: Epilogue

"Looks like Santa didn't forget about his helpers this year..."

by izzywizard

It is so stupid for the Brain Tree to have such a big brain in the Haunted Woods....

by andy94174
Camouflage Just Isn't As Great Anymore


by 987654321_hj
The Beginning

This is...?

by moon_flash
LIke Clockwork - Part Ten

Genre Savvy Rutu attacks! It's super effective.

by keshia_songwings

Where is that Aisha? She would have prevented this...

by kittenstealth
Out of Line

Yum, books.

by narutoluvr935
The Road to Fame

It's not as easy as it looks.

by emmilou123

Talk about rejected...

by thesovietivan
Meanwhile, in the Hardcore Neopian Writers' Club...

Brace yourselves, 600th issue submissions are starting...

by fireairshadow
Plushie Woes

I hope you can fix it.

by melaiv
The Greatest Gift of All

We love you, Sloth!

Story by ruben160

by sk390

Sloth's Neopia Domination Plan #1

Come here, pests...

Also by mumumuchan

by wistren

Search the Neopian Times


"Wanmei and the Reset Button" by june_scarlet
"Why do you seek the Reset Button?" asked the Baby Grundo. The Striped Meerca considered the Grundo for minute before relenting, "Because I made a mistake." The Grundo considered inquiring further, but he didn't want to scare off his customer. At any rate, he didn't feel she would...

Other Stories


Interview with a Minion... of Sloth
Looking back, there really was no excuse. From the time I walked up to the cottage I should have known that my day would not unfold even close to the way I expected.

by jadianne


Friends and Memories
I went to my desk and pulled out a picture from the drawer. It was of a red Draik, and a blue Cybunny, arm in arm, smiling. I turned it over gently in my hands, reading the memorized writing on the back.

by meadows_lark


A Guide to Freaky Factory: Working for Krelufun Ind.
So, Krelufun Industries has seen it fit to hire you, eh? The job assigned to you here is to produce Neopets miniatures for the company, and you better do it quickly!

by faeriequeenoffire


Everything You Need for the Month of Sleeping
After a long month of celebrating, all you want to do is hit the hay. Well, that's what the month of sleeping is all about!

by mespirit24


Unbreakable: Part Three
Brynn sucked in a heavy breath and forced herself to ignore the pain from her harsh landing. She scrambled up and, before the intruder could catch his bearings and run off again, grabbed him by the collar...

by sporty2443


Ruined Library: Part Eight
"I can barely fly as it is!" Kiyake panicked. It was true; the faerie Xweetok was beating her wings as quickly as she could...

by aquadaika

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