Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 184,867,923 Issue: 483 | 25th day of Awakening, Y13
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New Series

The Remnant: Part One

"Lockwood was very brilliant - and very witty - and very handsome - and very arrogant and very cold. Cold above all else. I would not wish upon you any quality of his, any more than I would wish his fate upon you."

by jokerhahaazzz
Oh No, Not Again...: Part One

Quitting your job without any idea where you're going to work afterward is really stupid.

by fuzzymonkey31
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Dealing with Guild Wars

Guild conflicts are often times started by meaningless comments that may start out innocently, but in time grow and grow, quite in the same way that a snowball rolling down a snowy hill grows. Nobody enjoys or appreciates constant fighting in the guild. Because after all, a guild is a place to talk to friends, and when the message board resembles something close to a battlefield, everyone feels miserable. In order to help keep Neopia free of conflict, I've written a little guide with many helpful techniques...

Other Stories


The Tragic Tales that Inspired Recent Paint Colors
Ever since their owner had adopted Anna, Peter just didn't know if he fit in with this family anymore.

by jlp2q


Tales From Number Five: Legend of the Ghostkersword - The End
Lord Darigan sensed it. The Ghostkersword. Long ago, when he was young, it had nearly destroyed him.

by rider_galbatorix


Key Quest's Delicious Sweets and Guides!
A quick guide to the Sweets board based only on tokens alignment!

by sportsandmusic69


A Guide to the Money Tree
How does the Money Tree work? Why are all those items there? The answers are inside!

by ibeth602


Second-hand Clothing? Anyone?
Well, there's your problem...

by averique


The Life of a P3 Observer...
She makes that face every time...

Also by flyingcloudgurl88

by teleplay

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