A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 184,867,923 Issue: 477 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y13
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New Series

The Page's Promise: Part One

Nothing bothered Trayanne when she was writing; nothing. Not even the fact that she was ownerless and in the Pound.

by thediractor
Remembering Rue: Part One

That day the bandages came off, and she got her first look at the world for a long time, nothing was the same. Nothing ever would be again.

by hedgehog_queen
Never Send a Mystery Capsule to Dr. Sloth: Part One

I actually spend very little time in Sloth's presence myself during each day, but yesterday was different.

by fuzzymonkey31
Flashpoint: Part One

Counter-intelligence. It's such a glamorous job.

Also by livvy_granger

by antiaircraft

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"The Portrait" by won_shi_tong
"Remember, Jun, once you place a line onto a page, it cannot be taken back." I hated it when master_piandao said stuff like that. My hands were already shaking from nerves; he didn’t need to state that and make it worse! I bit my lip and gently placed a line onto the paper with one fluid stroke, just like he taught me. I did it again. And again. Meanwhile...

Other Stories


The Portrait
"I'll need to use the sumi inks, watercolours, and a sheet of proper paper."

by won_shi_tong


Mixa and Tixa
Mixa and Tixa have never gotten along, and in fact, they are almost always fighting, but things can change....

by chestnuttiger787


My First Day as a Neopian
Confessions of my first days at Neopets. :)

by century_gothic


Hubrid Nox: Evil Mastermind, OR A NEOPIAN TREASURE?!
I thought I'd go in a bit of a different direction this time: revealing the softer side of some of Neopia's supposed 'villains'.

by zirr


Punched Lines
Wasn't that fun?

by campih400


Influential Keychain...

by imp_oster

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