Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 182,917,765 Issue: 469 | 12th day of Storing, Y12
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New Series

Mirror Mirror!: Part One

I smiled at myself and my reflection smiled back, and then it did something that scared me terribly.

by booklover990
Genesis: Part One

Perfect, the computer is finally operational again after the crash. If more proof were ever needed for the incompetence of those engineers - there it is!

by d_morton
Flowlight: Sun - Echoes of Pride - Part One

None of the occupants of this particular inn were going to bother getting up because of something as petty as daytime.

by antiaircraft_3
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"The Frugal Poogle" by mrs_cherish
Clarinda spent her days exploring Neopia, always trying new foods, playing new games, meeting new friends and enjoying every day as a new adventure. Darwin, on the other hand, preferred to spend his time quietly in his own company, leaving Brightvale only to deposit his Neopoints in his saving account at the National Neopian Bank...

Other Stories


The Frugal Poogle
"So what?" laughed the little Usul, slurping up the last of her coffee. "It's not like you have something better to spend your precious Neopoints on."

by mrs_cherish


The Outward Appearance
Lying to protect her reputation wasn't something that would make her proud, she knew. But she had to do it. No one could know that...

by thediractor


Another Successful Year In Neopia
*throws confetti and cake* Happy Birthday!

by comawhite333


Top Ten Things to Do on Neopets's Birthday
Following this list will be sure to get you in a festive mood for Neopets's Birthday and jump start your celebrations.

by skizzabella


To the Tune: Tick... Tick...
A few minutes left!

Also by metakitsune

by xstarfrost


The Off Season: Fangirls
Tandrak Shaye

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5

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