Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 176,435,075 Issue: 336 | 28th day of Running, Y10
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New Series

Petpet Adventures: Reunited - Part One

When she finally came to join them again, she heard a name she was hoping never to hear again. "Malei?" she said. "What about him?"

by rachelindea
Money: Part One

That's the excuse my owner always has, whenever I ask for anything. There's not enough money. We're out of our weekly allowance. It's too expensive...

by icegirl_sara
The Road to Pyramid Parade: Part One

She was excited. This was the day they would finally move to the Lost Desert. She had dreamed of it all her life, and now it was finally happening...

by kirsche474
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"Don't Worry, The Gravity Works Just Fine" by pinata_novia
In this 'land of petpets' there happens to be a hole. A very dark hole. Piñata was extremely excited when she saw it; it was just big enough for Spike to fit down. Spike cowered in fear as he slowly inched forward to peek down into the hole. For a second, it didn't look like he was going to go in, but then Piñata 'accidentally' bumped into him, and he went squealing down the hole...

Other Stories


Spelling Class
Furthest. What rhymed with furthest? Rose scribbled some possible words in the margin of her notebook. This was how she passed much of her time at school...

by nut862


Eating Fool's Day Game Night
"I've been thinking about your request for a game night, Pete. It's an excellent idea..."

by shamboo5


Choosing the Right Class for Your Neopet
How much homework will each class give? How difficult is each class? This guide will cover some of the more advanced information you should take into consideration...

by ffamran


Neoschools Return to Neopia
We had our reporters go to the Neoschool in Neopia Central and inquire who the teachers are, a bit of background information on them, and what courses they are teaching.

by jockylocky


First Day Jitters!
Argghhh!?! Whose carrot is that?!?!

by xiceangelzx


Gone Fishing

by _moonsfire_

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