Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 169,514,968 Issue: 293 | 25th day of Hunting, Y9
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New Series

Ailemea Smiled: Part One

I have gotten used to the fact that I will never be an only pet again – in fact, I'm learning to tolerate having brothers. I just never imagined sisters...

by jeanaet
Waiting for Anna: Part One

Here, then, I shall set pen to paper and write out a tale which may have happened, or may not have happened, or may be only partially true. Here, then, is the story of a girl who thought she could do everything. Who almost could do everything...

by extreme_fj0rd
The Lost Fuzzle: Part One

"Alright, dear, sorry. We'll look for him; come on..." Indeed, we did look for him. We looked everywhere. We practically tore her room apart...

by anna_invincible
Search the Neopian Times


"Jhudora Who?" by qazx301
"My plots are barely mentioned in the Neopian Times anymore, and little Miss Vira, so called 'Acara of Darkness', is front page news! I need a new plot - something creative, something unique. Why can't I even pull off the least tiny bit of evil? Why are my plots always found out? Maybe I should stop talking to myself when I plot! Especially when I'm in public!" Noticing the many people staring...

Other Stories


Friends Are NOT Forever
"I was at the trading post on my way over here, and I bought you a Von Roo plushie! It still has its head!"

by slothgirl


Two Scoops of Change, Please
"Sporfle! I wondered if you'd stop by today. Quite the turn-out, isn't it!" The Lutari grinned broadly as he handed Sporfle his favorite, Double Chocolate Ice Cream...

by goala_bear


The Mega Mall: Dos, Don'ts, Pros, and Cons
With huge mega-stores popping up all over the place, what happens to the independent user? More importantly: should you jump on the bandwagon?

by lorien127


Top 25 Things to do When You're Bored on Neopets
2. Find that one picture TNT put on the "new features" page that one day that had that one meepit. Watch it blink... and blink... and blink... and blink...and move its nose... and blink...

by eggnogrocks21


The Meepits Are Staring
Do you ever get the feeling you're being watched?

by zimpy222


Coping with a New Neopia

by ghostkomorichu

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