Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 196,314,459 Issue: 905 | 26th day of Relaxing, Y22
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Continued Series

The Music Box

If there was one thing that Elon hated it as being forced into social situations and gatherings. Elon was an introvert. He vastly preferred his alone time to whatever the heck was happening right before his eyes...

by eracina
Curse Of The Kookith

Asha spent her night dreaming about all the things that had transpired over the last few months...

by zuniak
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Awkward Social Functions and YOU!

As much as many of us would rather hole up in the familiarity, safety and solitude of our Neohomes, sometimes we must step out and interact with other Neopians in social functions, like parties, banquets, swanky business meetings, not-so-swanky and somewhat boring business meetings, sales pitches, subpar talent shows, and recognition ceremonies for folks you vaguely know, for some reason or other. But not all such functions are made equal, which means not all of them are fun and smooth sailing, especially when they have absolutely nothing to do with sailing. Sure, you can have good food, friendly company, excellent music, the best venue Neopoints can buy…but sometimes, not even those are enough to keep a social function from becoming – gasp – an awkward social function. How do you know it just took a turn for the awkward?

Other Stories


The Tombola is Out of Cash!
Authors Note: This short story was inspired by the Neopian book titled Out of Cash: A Tombola Story. Hope you enjoy my imaginings!

by neogal_anu


Notes from Kreludor
“Gotcha!” Talyca zoomed up behind Jemilat and plucked the glasses off the eventide jubjub’s scrunched up face. “Do you think these make me look smart? Also written by hectic_haley

by therainbowsheep


How to Maths: The Food Club Edition
What is ROI? What does TER mean? Stephanie interviews Phoenix, the Food Club pro. collaboration with phoenix79

by swordlilly


Awkward Social Functions and YOU!
Sure, you can have good food, friendly company, excellent music, the best venue Neopoints can buy…but sometimes, not even those are enough to keep a social function from becoming – gasp – an awkward social function.

by precious_katuch14


Outburst of a loyal fan
The heartbreaking feeling... collaboration with vitrais

by hoppip_grass


Neopian Literature Behind the pages: 381 Dirt Jokes!
A book with a dirty sense of humour...

by andypopo

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