The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 194,738,244 Issue: 790 | 21st day of Swimming, Y19
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Continued Series

The Travels of a Would-Be Knight: The Beginning: Part Three

While lupes are much better at seeing in the dark than, say, a human, the jungle was still very dim for him, and he could hardly believe Scout could track anything in this darkness. "Are you sure you can see his tracks?"

by daniecelpines
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Altador: Beyond the Cup

This year’s annual Altador Cup is long over, but that hasn’t stopped many Neopets and their owners from extending their vacation in the tourism capital of Neopia. (Wait, is that us or Neopia Central? I can never remember.) For anyone who wants a completely free tour of Altador, you’ve come to the right place! We have so much to offer besides the Cup.

Other Stories


The Sun and the Moon
There are a lot of things he’d always assumed would disappear from his life once…well, once his life itself disappeared. Or, really, what his life was before because he’s still here even after it’s been long gone.

by hshtagcoffee


The Scientist
You don’t go mad all at once.

by zurohana


Amazing Apparel For Your Aquatic Friends
We have provided ten Neopoint items and ten Neocash items to inspire you to create an amazing customization for your Neopet!

Also by somethingsosurreal

by madiwoo


Altador: Beyond the Cup
This year’s annual Altador Cup is long over, but that hasn’t stopped many Neopets and their owners from extending their vacation in the tourism capital of Neopia

by dunefurandlilypelt


Slush: Let's be honest...
Team Darigan Citadel addition.

by _torchic__


Spot the Difference! Vol #3
Can your eyes spy the 10 differences in this new eyeball busting series?

by snwarren

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