teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 194,738,244 Issue: 790 | 21st day of Swimming, Y19
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Amazing Apparel For Your Aquatic Friends

We have provided ten Neopoint items and ten Neocash items to inspire you to create an amazing customization for your Neopet!

Also by somethingsosurreal

by madiwoo

Running A Great Guild - Choosing Council

There might be some people out there who can do it all by themselves, but most people will at some point or another need support, plus it’s just so much more fun running a guild when you have some friends with you to do it. Don’t you agree?

by antipopulace
War is Coming

Things aren’t slowing down any at the Battleground of the Obelisk: regularly your faction leader calls on you for assistance defeating rivals, but you are also hearing whispers of an even greater battle…

Also by salpal26

by blade0904

The Perfect Beach Vacation

Summer is at its peak here in Neopia, the days are hot and the sun is shining, it's the perfect time to hit the beach and catch some rays! But what is the best way to go about doing this?

by lefaii
Altador: Beyond the Cup

This year’s annual Altador Cup is long over, but that hasn’t stopped many Neopets and their owners from extending their vacation in the tourism capital of Neopia

by dunefurandlilypelt
Snow Roller Avatar Guide

This guide is to help you get to the score of 6,500 needed for Snow Roller!

by berzerkturtlez
Cleaning Out Your Gourmet Foods Gone Bad

Based off gross foods found while searching gourmets and possible child-like reactions to eating them!

by remidica
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"A Gift from the Heart" by pale_baron
He watched as the wind gently combed the grass fields under the feet of wooden and concrete houses but inspiration did not come to him. “What should I get her?” He thought. “I’ve given her just about everything good that I can think of. There was that dress last year and the book I gave her the year before that. I could give her something similar if only it wasn’t this occasion.” It was Valerie’s 16th birthday and he perfectly understood that he had to get her something special. In his words, “It won’t do to give her a gift that I’ve already given. It must be new and unique!” Yesterday, when he was going home from school, he overheard some girls talking about what they were getting for the birthday girl. Michael was only paying half attention but he was able to make out the words, ‘her favorite album’ and ‘the book she’s been excited to read.’ It made him think about the other guests and what possible gifts they might bring. He made his way through the commercial district when something caught his attention. Behind the glass panel of a shop displayed a velvety scarf that matched Valerie’s eyes. Red was also the Cybunny’s favorite color and there could be no better gift but his hopes were dashed off in a moment when he looked at the price tag. “It’s that much for a tiny piece of cloth!?” He said. His paws and cheeks were pressed against the glass when the owner caught him fogging up the store front and complaining about the price. The Gnorbu pushed the curtain aside and said, “It wouldn’t match you anyway, sir.” The cheeky shopkeeper turned his nose up and walked away. “Neither would it match you!” Michael added before he continued his way. Since then he couldn’t come up with anything else. And despite having stayed at his window for three hours, the Wocky refused to move until a bright idea saved him from his dilemma. The sun had hidden itself behind clouds and children were coming out to play under its shadow. Among them were some of his classmates who enjoyed the game of Gormball. They tried inviting him to play but he insistently declined.

Other Stories


Bledynn and Vera
Sand stung his eyes as he pushed forward, shielding his face in the crook of his elbow, left hand placed carefully on the hilt of his sword. In between breaths, he could faintly make out the bone-chilling moans of the undead drifting through the wind.

Also by relocating

by butterflybandage


Swabby to the Stars
The squeaks belonged to her best friend and petpet, a Faerie Swabby. Petpets aren’t usually allowed on pirate ships, but considering how much his daughter loved the Swabby, the crusty old Krawk made an exception.

by amethyst_81


The Travels of a Would-Be Knight: The Beginning: Part Three
While lupes are much better at seeing in the dark than, say, a human, the jungle was still very dim for him, and he could hardly believe Scout could track anything in this darkness. "Are you sure you can see his tracks?"

by daniecelpines


Journey through the Centre of Neopia: Part One
The snow-covered face of Terror Mountain was just beyond the volcano, but the area felt more like Lost Desert. She shook her head. The natural weather patterns of the different lands of Neopia were best left to the experts. She was about to leave when she saw something shiny.

by kaioti


Not very Fair-y
Well then...

by x0x_gina_x0x


The Dab Class
Featuring the Neoquest II crew

by happyinengland

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