The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 194,738,244 Issue: 790 | 21st day of Swimming, Y19
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Short Stories

Bledynn and Vera

Sand stung his eyes as he pushed forward, shielding his face in the crook of his elbow, left hand placed carefully on the hilt of his sword. In between breaths, he could faintly make out the bone-chilling moans of the undead drifting through the wind.

Also by relocating

by butterflybandage

Swabby to the Stars

The squeaks belonged to her best friend and petpet, a Faerie Swabby. Petpets aren’t usually allowed on pirate ships, but considering how much his daughter loved the Swabby, the crusty old Krawk made an exception.

by amethyst_81
The Scientist

You don’t go mad all at once.

by zurohana
A Gift from the Heart

He was busy thinking up of a present for Valerie, a childhood friend who would be celebrating her birthday in two days. He watched as the wind gently combed the grass fields under the feet of wooden and concrete houses but inspiration did not come to him.

by pale_baron
The Sun and the Moon

There are a lot of things he’d always assumed would disappear from his life once…well, once his life itself disappeared. Or, really, what his life was before because he’s still here even after it’s been long gone.

by hshtagcoffee
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War is Coming

Things aren’t slowing down any at the Battleground of the Obelisk: regularly your faction leader calls on you for assistance defeating rivals, but you are also hearing whispers of an even greater battle… Could a war plot be on the horizon? If so here are a few tips on getting fighting fit and upgrading your equipment.

Other Stories


Running A Great Guild - Choosing Council
There might be some people out there who can do it all by themselves, but most people will at some point or another need support, plus it’s just so much more fun running a guild when you have some friends with you to do it. Don’t you agree?

by antipopulace


War is Coming
Things aren’t slowing down any at the Battleground of the Obelisk: regularly your faction leader calls on you for assistance defeating rivals, but you are also hearing whispers of an even greater battle…

Also by salpal26

by blade0904


The Princess of Flowers: Part One
Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom far, far away, lived a princess...

by downrightdude


Journey through the Centre of Neopia: Part One
The snow-covered face of Terror Mountain was just beyond the volcano, but the area felt more like Lost Desert. She shook her head. The natural weather patterns of the different lands of Neopia were best left to the experts. She was about to leave when she saw something shiny.

by kaioti


Tails From: The Battledome
Preparing for war!

by winters_footsteps


Slush: Let's be honest...
Team Darigan Citadel addition.

by _torchic__

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