There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 194,595,202 Issue: 778 | 21st day of Eating, Y19
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Continued Series

Return to Lynwood: Part Nine

Isengrim was not sure if the pup had taken to heart his companions’ promise to protect him, but it looked as though Connor at least found them better company than Vakhtang. Although the dark-furred Werelupe could hardly consider that a compliment. He was fairly certain a mutant Kiko with the Sneezles would be better company than Vakhtang.

by cosmicfire918
Defenders Series 3: Siren of the Snows: Part Four

I may be evil but I’m not stupid. Plans for world domination bring down kings and knights and faeries on your head. All the most powerful forces in Neopia turn against you. I’d as soon not get myself locked in an amulet floating in space for who knows how long, if it’s all the same.

by shinkoryu14
Janet and Jane: The Case of the Vanished: Part Three

“We discussed this already,” the yellow Chia hissed at me. “We, the police force of Neopia Central, have it under control.”

by chasing_stars44
The Magic in Being Lost: Part Two

She eyed the golden coins as they glimmered in the flickering candle light. To come so close—

by drifbilim
Search the Neopian Times


"Mayor May Not" by opossumman
In their small apartment in the heart of Moltara City, Jacob and Stealth sat at their table reading the Neopian Times. All the while, H.O.O.T., Jacob's Albot, served them toast. "Thanks again, little friend," said Jacob, a Christmas-colored Kacheek clad in brass goggles. He rubbed said goggles against his shirt to reduce the fogginess. He then returned to the paper. "Anything good?" asked Stealth, the brown Grundo currently meandering about the comic section and giggling to himself. "Yes, actually. Did you read the piece on page four debating the ethics and after-effects of Darigan and Skarl's first war? It offered a fascinating perspective." Jacob lifted his eyes from the page to see Stealth fashioning a tricorne hat out of his paper. "...I'll take that as a no." "You got me," Stealth said as he adjusted his tricorne. "It definitely sounds neat though." "A lot of times we as a society are inclined to just accept things as they appear, and to never question the norm," mused Jacob. "While some may go overboard with it and raise outlandish conspiracy theories, a healthy amount of skepticism could never hurt. Why, just think of some unanswered questions plaguing Neopia. Where did Sloth come from? What really went on during the War for the Obelisk?" "Yeah, and what's the name of our Mayor?" added Stealth. "...Excuse me?" Stealth sipped his coffee. "Think about it. Have you ever heard his full name be said at all?"

Other Stories


Cellblocked: The Warden's Tale
With one stroke of my finger I drew a single line in the dirt of my cell floor – day 100.

by silver_mist_91


The Retched Pinchit
“Yo ho ho…A pirate’s life for me!” Arf sang to himself as he finished off his pie.

Also by vbosley

by juggal3tt3j


Kougras: The Colors Edition
As we get ready to prepare for Kougra Day, the wondrous day that celebrates Kougras of all shapes and sizes, it might be a fun idea to change up your Kougra!

by butterflybandage


Ideas for Designing Your Character
Writers and art blocks can be very real! Well here are my top 5 ideas on make your pet the character you've had envisioned in your head for so long.

by _the_spardel_queen_


A Neverending Rivalry
Well, Kitchen Quests then..

by paraxeno_daimonio


The Search for Faye: Part One
Faye's sister, Tilly, has been given the insurmountable task of uncovering the mystery of Faye's disappearance. Part 1/7

by icysnowe

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