White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,595,202 Issue: 778 | 21st day of Eating, Y19
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"...but hey- once a hero, always a hero. If your butt ever needs saving again, call me. I’ll be sure to come running. What else is being a Defender all about?"

Lutari in the Battledome

Lutari have quite a few resources when it comes to equipment and weapons in the Battledome. While they may not be as amazing as a Wand Of The Dark Faerie or Moehog Skull, they should not be overlooked as species-specific weapons! One thing to keep in mind when looking at the Lutari-specific items is that Lutari are fun loving, so their weapons tend to do less damage as they are more used for fun.

Celebrate Kougra Day

Whether you own a Kougra or not, this day will be a great opportunity to do something fun. My own Tyrannian Kougra, Xokue, isn't exactly one for celebrations, so I don't anticipate doing too much more than giving him a nice steak. If you want to plan something special but are unsure of what to do, feel free to take some of my ideas and celebrate Kougra Day in style with your pets.

Kougras: The Colors Edition

When deciding what color you want to paint your Kougra, there are a few things to consider. What kind of image are you going for? Are you trying to follow a certain theme or idea? Maybe there’s a story idea you have, but you’re not sure how you want to portray that character through a paint brush color. I’ve divided all the colors into different categories (yes, all 64 colors!) so it will be easier to determine the best paint brush to purchase for your Kougra.

Other Stories
"Mayor May Not" by opossumman
In their small apartment in the heart of Moltara City, Jacob and Stealth sat at their table reading the Neopian Times. All the while, H.O.O.T., Jacob's Albot, served them toast. "Thanks again, little friend," said Jacob, a Christmas-colored Kacheek clad in brass goggles. He rubbed said goggles against his shirt to reduce the fogginess. He then returned to the paper. "Anything good?" asked Stealth, the brown Grundo currently meandering about the comic section and giggling to himself. "Yes, actually. Did you read the piece on page four debating the ethics and after-effects of Darigan and Skarl's first war? It offered a fascinating perspective." Jacob lifted his eyes from the page to see Stealth fashioning a tricorne hat out of his paper. "...I'll take that as a no." "You got me," Stealth said as he adjusted his tricorne. "It definitely sounds neat though." "A lot of times we as a society are inclined to just accept things as they appear, and to never question the norm," mused Jacob. "While some may go overboard with it and raise outlandish conspiracy theories, a healthy amount of skepticism could never hurt. Why, just think of some unanswered questions plaguing Neopia. Where did Sloth come from? What really went on during the War for the Obelisk?" "Yeah, and what's the name of our Mayor?" added Stealth. "...Excuse me?" Stealth sipped his coffee. "Think about it. Have you ever heard his full name be said at all?"

"The Paintbrush Princess" by winter_pony4
One day in Neopia Central… A Chokato Kiko and a Pineapple Chia were sitting at a makeshift stand on a street corner near the Gift Shop. The Kiko was surrounded by several wood and stone carvings while the Chia was sitting on a pile of books, writing furiously on a notepad. The Kiko sighed. “I don't know, Sativica. We haven't sold anything for a few weeks. At this rate, we're going to have to get our meals from the Soup Kitchen.” “Well, we can always count on the Soup Faerie’s hospitality. We aren't exactly strangers to her establishment, Alude...” Sativica quipped. “Not even the Neopian Times has responded to my submissions. I do believe it's going to be one of those months. 'Tis difficult to be a Neopet of craft.” he huffed, all without looking up from his work. Alude picked up a stone figure in the shape of a faerie and sighed. “Maybe people just don't appreciate art anymore.” “The market on books seem to have plunged lately, as well. Not nearly as profitable as before.” Sativica added. Alude, after some thought, got up. “Come on, let's head over to the Money Tree so we can get some money for something to eat.” “The both of us? Who will watch over our inventory?” “Just leave it. If nobody wants these, then they won't steal them.” Alude said, resigned. “Alude, you were never one to mope around.” “But what can we do? We need to eat and have shelter like anybody else. If we can't manage that, then what happens to us?”

"Cellblocked: The Warden's Tale" by silver_mist_91
It was a strangely foggy morning; the sun had yet to peak through the clouds over Meridell. I was taking my daily walk from my little shack out to my job at the Mini Acres Farm. Running the Rubbish Dump was never my dream, but it was a job I fell into and never managed to leave. Honestly, compared to where I was now, it seemed like paradise back at that dump. When I arrived from my walk, my boss, a grumpy blue Kacheek named Ronald, sent me immediately to the fields to start shifting through the garbage. Not every item that we find can be resold to the local shoppers. We have to be very careful that no food has gone bad (at least, that we can identify) and that items aren’t too broken. I plunged my hand into a particularly smelly pile of trash, trying to discover any salvageable finds, when I felt a strange item in my hand. I tugged and tugged through the pile covering it until I was able to pull it out, and when I did, my heart sank. The sword was large, heavy, and solid gold. It wasn’t just the fact that I had pulled a sword from a pile of rubbish. It was much more than that. Smack dab in the middle of the handle was an unmistakable badge. The crest of Meridell glistened with a red and blue checkered pattern and I knew right away that this sword was of immense value. I dropped everything else and ran back to Ronald. Out of breath I shook my find at him, “Look…..what…I found!” Ronald’s eyes went wide at the sight of the sword.

Sit Back and Relax at The Neolodge

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Neolodge
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Wish Sticks, Truth or Folklore?
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