Meow Circulation: 194,077,254 Issue: 737 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y18
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Continued Series

Clouds Over Cogham: Part Five

Maybe if the village wasn’t so consumed in smoke, and he wasn’t choking on the taste of cruel fire magic, and the screaming wasn’t so loud that he can barely hear his own thoughts, he could charge in valiantly like a storybook hero.

by theschizophrenicpunk
The Vine of Destiny: Book 1, The Apprentice Pirates: Part Six

A few minutes later, the Revenge pulled up alongside the Black Pawkeet and with a fierce roar, Scarblade’s crew attempted to board the smaller ship. They were greatly surprised, however, when Garin and JayJay’s crews came out of hiding and quickly began repelling them from the Pawkeet.

by teamchao466
The Moderately Evil Faerie: Part Four

Spite and Vanity huddled together as the ship rocked. Their stomachs churned as they watched the pirates on board spar with their cutlasses. They felt ridiculous and out of place, but Malice and Jhudora were having the time of their lives. Malice was dressed as a swashbuckling captain while Jhudora went with her usual Neovian attire.

by rocksysmom
Desert Requiem: Part Two

The Grand Hall of Sakhmet Palace, used to being the venue for important audiences, was to bear witness to an event of historic significance that day. Courtiers in their finery took up position on either side of the room, for once not engaging in idle chatter; their expressions were of rapt attention.

by kalnya
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Kiko Lake Survivors Anonymous

While this intense preparation may lead to victory, it also serves as an opportunity for one notorious team in Neopia to take advantage over all of the rest. For many of us readers, we have been greeted by the terrible “random event” regarding a certain team accepting donations of highly valuable items. These so called “donations” can possess any value, rare ranking, or size imaginable. For some of us, items of great value have been usurped by the winner of last year’s Altador Cup…Team Kiko Lake.

Other Stories


A Pair of Punished Pranksters
The moon was full, and the sky was plagued by ominous shadows. Two Darigan Neopets, a Scorchio and an Aisha, snuck onto the property, spray paint in hand. "I can't believe that Ella beat us in the Beauty Contest," grumbled the Scorchio. "We'll show her!"

by _brainchild_


Jhudora's Curse
As magical as Healing Springs is, there was one time the magic of it went terribly wrong. It all started when the water faerie who runs the Healing Springs was sick and had her friend Lily fill in for her for the day while she rested and focused on getting better...

by she_chose_love


Treasure Chests - Not Just For Pirates?
"Why would I be interested in treasure chests? None of my Neopets have been painted Pirate! What possible use could I or my Neopets have for a treasure chest? Treasure chests are just for Pirates!" And that, my dear friend, would be where you are very, very wrong!

by tallydepp


Trophies For The Cursed!
Turn your horrible luck into a trophy!! In this world where bad luck is good luck I was lucky (unlucky) enough to be a Champion. A Champion at losing. HMMM. One good thing I can say is that losing badly enough comes with a big trophy.

by sanford3581


YYB - The Disadvantage of Being the Opposing Team
This is just getting ridiculous.

by goldensif


Protect Your Peas, Please!
But your cape today, available at the Hidden Tower!

by littledude61394

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