Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 194,077,254 Issue: 737 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y18
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New Series

Tribulations of a Quest Sceptic: Part One

Everyone around seemed so fixated upon them, as if nothing could be more important than dashing off to some far-flung region of Neopia in order to retrieve a mirror for an impatient, sneering Dark Faerie, or braving the wilds of some forsaken realm in order to ensure that Edna had Poogle fur clippings to add to her latest, noxious brew.

by anjie
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Boochi and Dr. Landelbrot: An Exposé

It’s been a little over two years since Neopians stopped always being sure to leave the house with their least fav--erm, luckiest pet, should they have the misfortune of running into Boochi. These days, anyone who finds themselves staring down the business end of Boochi’s ray gun has little to fear, since his aim just isn’t what it used to be. But, after all these years, I was startled to discover that no-one had reported on the villains involved--or the scientist responsible.

Other Stories


Unlikely Friends
Royce the Elderly Bruce had spent the first half of his life carrying a sack of mail from one Neohome to another and delivering messages. His assigned locality had been in the suburbs of Neopian Central, and he’d known the area like the back of his right flipper. Each day he’d trudged down the same streets, waved hello to the same group of gossiping Unis trotting down Usuki Avenue, and made his way past a half-dozen Lupes out by their decks. That was all a lifetime ago, before Royce had been swept up in the glamorous world of petpet shows.

by sunbathr


Venn's Return from the Isolated Island
For Venn, an Orange Lutari left stranded on Lutari Island, that year’s Lutari Day could not have come soon enough. This was the one day of the year on which the storm around the island weakened just enough for magical teleportation through it to be possible.

by mbredboy31


Kaus from A to Z
In celebration of Kau Day, I have compiled a list of various things concerning the species. Here you`ll find everything from famous Kaus, to notes on artwork, reading tips and customization suggestions.

by aleu1986


The Benefits of Joining the Neoboards Today!
Jumping into ongoing conversations can be scary for a new user, but just what are the rewards of taking off your lurker cap and jumping into fellow user discussions?

Also by dragondancer007

by imcatcrazy11


Trouble in Paradise: Ideas
Yeah, I think we've all been here...

by chasing_stars44


Head in the Clouds: Cup Antics
When glitches impede your team's victory.

by yoshisislandbandit

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