The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 191,668,856 Issue: 615 | 4th day of Collecting, Y15
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Continued Series

Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Against All Odds - Part Eleven

Nefarious chuckled as his screens showed the Defenders quickly approaching the building from all sides, Faeries in tow. The end was here...

by kristykimmy
Mr. Pufferton and the Last Magazine: Part Seven

"That must be us leaving port," he noted. "This, then, is the point of no return."

by emblo93
The Iced Curse: Part Six

For some reason, I didn't feel safe lying on that couch tonight. I had the blanket hiked up to my neck and I was shivering violently.

by flames_unleashed
The Deep Woods: Part Five

"Come. Sit. Have some tea." The slow voice finally lured Phil off of the floor. Now he saw that the witch had created a table slanted such that each had a seat of appropriate height.

Also by j_harkness

by indefatigably

Faerie Wings: The Fate of Kira - Part Three

"It seems to me that the Light faeries are having problems controlling today's radiant sunlight." Suddenly Illere stopped. "And they've been having problems for a while..."

by downrightdude
The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With One Step: Part Four

"What's so important that you had to knock so furiously? Well, come in, I suppose."

Also by drobit

by typlohisioh

The Price of Beauty: Part Three

The next week flew by in a flurry of parties and invitations to tea and plays and every sort of amusement.

by sweetie_butterfly
The Orbs of Power: Part Two

There were six locations that contained hidden items, and according to the markings on the maps and the stone box, these objects represented fire, water, earth, air, light and darkness.

by burning_shadows_79
The Chronicles of Super Pea: Part Two

"You want to join the Defenders of Neopia?"

by the_crimson_rose
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"An Interview With Jhudora" by pupeez4eva
Jhudora slouched back in her chair, her eyes fixated firmly on the figure in front of her. "So, who are you again?" she asked. "My name is Sophie," was the response she received. "I'm a journalist for the Neopian Times." The girl shuffled awkwardly in her seat, evidently uneasy. "Oh," Jhudora snorted...

Other Stories


Illusen the Kadoatie #4: Shiny the Warf
It was an oak tree, but not just any old tree. It was both the thickest and tallest tree I had ever seen, equally both the width and height of a castle, if not more. Its bark was thick and deep, which made it perfect for scratching and climbing.

by skittyfan100


Fairground Fun
"Just get the stripes..." I sighed exasperatedly.

by tryan15


Various Ways of Earning Neopoints
This guide will be a list of other ways of earning Neopoints and investing your Neopoints.

by shefampyr


I Want to Be a Faction Leader - Part One
The war for the Obelisk has already finished, but our Neopets are still fighting in the skirmishes for the honour and the fame (and the boons!) of their favourite factions!

Also by martia_elior

by amarillida


Just Sit
More lab ray SHENANIGANS! :D

by katopia12


Yamisai 7
This is why being bored is bad.

by yoru_yamisai

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