A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 90,556,131 Issue: 162 | 15th day of Collecting, Y6
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Continued Series

The Search for Petpet World: Part Five

"Which one out of all these Neggs is the odd one out?" she asked. "This is probably easy right?" The three of them all thought for a few minutes.

by darkfaerie700
Of Lights from Within: Part Nine

"Must… get … to… the… castle…" he whispered to himself, his paws pounding furiously on the dead leaves that were scattered all around the ground.

by blubblub317
Princess of Erodaire III: Part Seven

I hadn't even eaten lunch or dinner yet, and hunger did not pain me. I walked towards my room, opened the door, and the first thing my eyes fell upon was the journal upon the floor.

by christinetran
The Korbat Who Couldn't Hang: Part Four

"I wouldn't like to be out travelling in this weather," Madam Graspberry went on. "Still, it'll probably clear up by the time you'll be wanting to move on?"

by janejinn
Behind the Doors of Another Class: Part Three

"You guys, please, please do a favor for me? I'm sorry for what I did during lunchtime, and I won't do it again if you let me go to their slumber party and tell Kat where I am. Please?"

by precious_katuch14
The Adventures of Lisha and Jeran: Heroes Never Die - Part Four

In that moment, the word fixed itself into Kass's mind. It was a word to loathe. "Meridell… yes, a nauseating place. I hate it. I do hate it."

by ridergirl333
A Peace that Would Last One Thousand Years?: Part Four

"What?!" yelled Darigan. "How could he be alive?! I saw The Three dispose of him myself!"

by ikkin_with_attitude
The Neo-Rakarr: Part Three

Aihami trudged on, sending more lifeforce energy to her bruised footpaws. Surely soon, in that castle, the mystery would be solved.

by shelleylow
I'll Never Let You Go: Part Two

"You make me laugh. Here." She handed Ky a bag of Neopoints. "Use these for whatever you need. Games, scratchcards, bribes, anything."

by queen_aingeal
The Sweetest Acara: Part Two

Whitney; do not bother waiting for me at the town square. Change of plan. I’ll not be meeting you today...

by scarletrhapsody
Lily the Invisible Acara: Part Two

Lily made a decision. She'd help best by finding out Elbert's secrets and giving them to Carlin, who seemed to be Hagan's advisor. She'd FIND a way to get the message to him.

by thegalaxy_goddess
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"Of Strawberry Ice Cream" by extreme_fj0rd
"Let's see..." the Kiko murmured. "I think we can each take a spoonful without Fj0rd noticing."

Other Stories


Rivalry with Darkness
"Who are you? And what are you talking about? I'm the Darkest Faerie in all of Neopia, got that?"

by cruzerchic123


A Tale of a Grey Faerie
The least known species of faeries. In Neopia, these Faeries roam the streets, searching for something, something...Here is an unbelievable tale of a certain grey faerie.

by sulin


How To Come Up With Original Topics To Write About
he following will give you a few tips for thinking creatively and will hopefully aid you in coming up with new and interesting ideas of your own.

by iamsoevil


The Uses of Neggs
Neggs. They are Neopia’s most famous delicacy, with dozens of uses. But, what are Neggs really? And what are they really for anyway?

by flew_by_now


Totodum and Turtledee #3
I knew you could break him.

by huggsy_666


Something Has Happened
Do you really want to know?

by tdyans

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