Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 90,556,131 Issue: 162 | 15th day of Collecting, Y6
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Totodum and Turtledee #3

I knew you could break him.

by huggsy_666
Why Me?


by kittynekokitty


by shiny_pl
Complete Randomness

I'm not that obsessed...

by lilkittie080

"Getting Slimed"

by sukuyumaruchan
Mental Alienation

Poor Weewoo...

by hyper_giggle_box
Oh Sanity? Were Art Thou!?

Where could it be!??

by flamechild82
When Kadoaties Attack!

Ready... GO!

by destini118
Where's the Good Stuff?

What kind of Money Tree are you?

by shadih_temporary
Igloo Troubles

After 3 bombs and 2 pianos...

by sirendragonfire
The Neopian Life

It's kind early for Halloween...but oh well!

by acara_lupe
Pets These Days

You're a genius!

by cruzerchic123
Chia Hunting ISN'T Easy!

And you wonder why Durian is the king of fruits.

by metalguilmon88
Love'n the Lupes

A new colour...

by cannonsmbt
Chokato Chatter

Not again...

by lilstar_07
The Baby Paintbrush

Is giving the best gift?

by anja2006
Family Jewelz #1

This is art?

by julialin
A Gruslen Bath

It's bath time!!

by _agile_cat
Random Insanity

Sloth has his ways of persuasion...

by lunagirl52
Splat-a-Sloth Practice

Practice is important.

by lamenesspersonified
Sloth on the Rox

Dr. Sloth embarks on a search for the missing R.C.

by plushieowner
Neopian Capers!

Think your Neohome is safe?! Not even from your own pets...

by dratinisdream
Ice Cream

Here we will find out if Sloth is as evil as we think...

by kittiekatteluv
Pint Sized: Not a Potato?

Green potatoes?

H4PPY BIRTHD4Y, 3M50HL! :D ~n00b

by lachtaube

Neohome Madness

Trying to get avatar...

by shellder120
Tenshi and Zephyr


by championferret
Petpetsitter 101 #1

Seperate at all costs.

by tambourine_chimp
One Day @ the Laboratory

Ready to become a princess?

by seawitch
Being Evil Isnt Easy

I think you're missing one...

by chibi_zoo
Petpet Tails

Eek! It's attacking me!

by little_hamsters365
Evil Muffin

Ooo! Muffin!

by saje1012
Our Own Little World

Have you ever found a toy or a broken toy? I wonder who breaks them?

by narnia4rocks
Scribbly Stuff

How very... abstract.

by draegoness
Lunaticity #2

Not to be taken literally...

by jerk_head
The Kadoatery

Those kadoaties are never happy...

by mr_rubber_band
The Misadventures of a Pink Lenny

"Hazard Pay"

by immortalmina
Ironies of Neopia

Look at what I got!

by blubblub317

It that funny?

by horsecrzy387
My Life With a Teenage Noobie

I'll save you...

by rainbowface94
Quiz & Artio Times


by krustykrinkledkrab
Dangerously Insane

Never ask old Chias for directions.

by leah_51293
Going Bananas

Looks can be deceiving...

by cassieleigh4242
Something Has Happened

Do you really want to know?

by tdyans
Stalag 13

You know, this place isn't too bad.

by anikajinn
Sasha's Sketches

Errr, yeah... real cute...

by washeh
Goldy Situation


by tbone22892
Electrifying Stars

"Playing With Fire"

by sparky63428
And the Meepits Outgrabe

Halloween Special - Part One

by kittylin
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A Neopian Delicacy

Neggs. They are Neopia’s most famous delicacy, with dozens of uses. But, what are Neggs really? And what are they really for anyway? Well, they can be simply, and obviously eaten, or even taken to the Neggery to exchange with tokens to buy other Neggs from the Negg Faerie! Put it in your gallery of Neggs, or of something that relates with that Negg. look at them in the safety deposit box!...

Other Stories


A Tale of a Grey Faerie
The least known species of faeries. In Neopia, these Faeries roam the streets, searching for something, something...Here is an unbelievable tale of a certain grey faerie.

by sulin


Family Bond
"Here," said Roxanne to Braveheart. "For you." She took out an expensive set of Faerie stationary, like all-type Faerie pens and erasers, all arranged carefully in a beautiful jewellery box.

by mashimaro_angie923


Petpets… Neopia's Greatest Threat
I have lived on Neopia for a long time and I have noticed something occurring more often, perhaps even gaining control of this humble little planet of Neopets, asparagus, and a Snowflake. That control seeking thing is… Petpets.

by hermione32606


Back to the Beach: Mystery Island TCG Expansion
Ready for a vacation in the sand and sun? Then head out to the store and buy a box of Neopets Trading Card Game cards. Their newest expansion, Mystery Island, will keep you cool by day with the water, and warm at night by the fiery volcanoes.

by neopian_queen_liana


Fallout, The Wurymmar Story: Part One
"And now I must ask you, all of you, gathered here tonight," the blue Lupe growled. "Who is the true leader of this pack?"

by scarrift


The Search for Petpet World: Part Five
"Which one out of all these Neggs is the odd one out?" she asked. "This is probably easy right?" The three of them all thought for a few minutes.

by darkfaerie700

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