Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 193,565,809 Issue: 698 | 11th day of Gathering, Y17
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Blossoms~ Retry Part 8

We shared groceries, so the next step is to share friendship.

by twillieblossom
Laginator 3000

Dr. Sloth thinks through his plans very carefully.

Also by priscent

by msjanny

Trouble in Paradise: Random Events

This is why you only get to press it once a day.

by chasing_stars44
Empty Bellies, Empty Pockets: Part 3

Probably couldn't have carried those anyway.

Also by bha288.

by mandypandy667

The Rickety Ship: Q1


by dimartedi
Welcome to the Family?: Part 1

You know the old saying, "don't judge a book by its cover"? It's good advice.

by amarettoball

All this for an apple?

by fourin
Aisha Soup: Pirate Plans

Shouldn't you be out doing pirate stuff or something?

by the_shii
Mispronunciations of Neopia: Pteri

What's a pea tree?

Idea from lennekegirl123

by table

Dandilion Tails in 'Screams of the Vegetables'

Why would you need a loc- oh my Fyora.

by dandilion_crucifix
How Yooyus Spend the Off-Season!


Also by kbbob

by sarah2396

Delicious Cupcake?

Hmmm, I wonder...

by praline01
The Problems of Avatars #2

That's not how this works...

Also by alexise1998

by chromeninja

You Missed!


by editorial
Culinary Confusion

It's obvi-wait a sec...

Also by azienskieth

by roxanna203

Can I have a petpet?

Sometimes finding the perfect petpet can be tricky.

by _clement_
Poogles & Giggles #5

I didn't touch one, I swear!

by lizzbear_
Vegeterrible - Part 1

Everyday struggles of being a fruit/veggie chia

by pirate_11
Stay Strong with Team Brawn: A New Moon

CRASH. Ewww...

Also by Tex707

by alexise1998

At the Battledome: vs Space Faerie - Part 1

Get ready for a slumber party

by winner19955
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"Downtime With Dr. Sloth" by vanillafilth
Being an almighty overlord all the time understandably gets tiring. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't throw away my boundless power for anything, but even creatures of my high stature need time off. Today was just such a day. I found myself craving some quality Sloth time, outside of the confines of the Virtupets station. Even in my leisure time, there's always work to be done. Today's list entails picking up my dry cleaning, going grocery shopping, and picking up some pet supplies for Roger, my precious, obedient little ultra Pinceron. Quite the labor intensive day this is looking to be, but what kind of ruler would I be could I not best these simple tasks?

Other Stories


For the Love of Yooyuball
The sun beat down from a clear blue sky, not a cloud in sight. Not a breath of air, either. It was the first game of the day and Delma was already sweating. She felt like she would melt into a puddle. She was thankful that games of Yooyuball only lasted three minutes.

by 77thbigby


Words of Wisdom
One more, just one more. It can't be that difficult, after all, this old guy could do it, I'm much quicker from all that training I got-WHACK! A soft sigh sounded a few feet away from a young Buzz, who was not only wincing in disappointment, but in pain as he tenderly rubbed the spot where the arrow has brushed past his wing.

by clairemac10000


Dubloons - An All Time Low!
Greetings fellow Dubloon buyers and sellers of Neopia! During your busy buying and selling lives here on Neopets have you noticed a significant decrease in the price of dubloons? I'm almost postive you have, though this issue may have faded into the back of your mind.

by kimi10552


Autumnal: Top Five Autumn Items Guide - Wigs
Get to know about the top five Autumn items in Neopia!

Also by morifoy

by sosunub


The Legacy of the Black Pawkeet: Part Six
I let out another sob before slowly pulling myself to my feet. Every movement sent pain shooting through my back, but I had to get home. I staggered home as quickly as I could, which wasn’t quickly at all.

Also by Medit92

by teamchao466


After ACX: Part Two
Part Two - Faerie

The Faerie Yooyu rolled around the Faerie pen impatiently. So far, there had been nine Yooyus called up to the pitch, and not one of them had been Faerie. Come on, he thought, moving restlessly back and forth.

Also by lil_em06

by swimmingstar01

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