The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,565,809 Issue: 698 | 11th day of Gathering, Y17
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Short Stories

Mission KatFL

OPEN: KSSMO history files
OPEN: file no. 23-543-12, file name: mission records
OPEN: subfile no. 12, subfile name: closed missions
OPEN: mission name: KatFL, mission status: FAILED
VIEW: read-only, mission no. 355222
VIEW: subfile C: description of the failed mission KatFL, taken via dictation, ver batim, from those involved

by theschizophrenicpunk
Words of Wisdom

One more, just one more. It can't be that difficult, after all, this old guy could do it, I'm much quicker from all that training I got-WHACK! A soft sigh sounded a few feet away from a young Buzz, who was not only wincing in disappointment, but in pain as he tenderly rubbed the spot where the arrow has brushed past his wing.

by clairemac10000
Usuki Singing Stars #25: Publishing Problems

“At last, I’ve finally finished!!” Sparkles shrieked, waving five sheets of paper above her head triumphantly. The pink Bruce dashed out of her bedroom, clambered down the stairs and stormed into the living room with her finished piece of work gripped firmly in her hands. “Oh Scary, you won’t believe what just happened!” she exclaimed, her voice squeaking excitedly.

by downrightdude
For the Love of Yooyuball

The sun beat down from a clear blue sky, not a cloud in sight. Not a breath of air, either. It was the first game of the day and Delma was already sweating. She felt like she would melt into a puddle. She was thankful that games of Yooyuball only lasted three minutes.

by 77thbigby
Downtime With Dr. Sloth

Just a peek into the life of our famous ruler when he's not ruling.

by vanillafilth
Search the Neopian Times


Techo's Treats

As Techo day approaches, the minds of Neopians everywhere turn to famous Techos across the globe, such as the Techo Master, Dr. Death, and that crazy Techo Fanatic who pierces everyone's poor eardrums at the Altador Cup. However, one Techo often overlooked is the Tropical Foods shopkeeper on Mystery Island. He takes immense pride in creating the most dazzling tropical dishes, sure to delight anyone's taste buds.

Other Stories


Rhoasy's Raddest Restaurants: Cafe Kreludor
This week, as promised, I’m strapping on my moon shoes and heading to Kreludor, Neopia’s only moon, to try the most recommended restaurant by all my Grundo buddies- Cafe Kreludor!

by tennesseethomas


How to Pick a Petpet
You just got a new pet, and now they need the right petpet. Luckily, this guide will help find their perfect companion.

by scechoi


The Trouble with Tridents: Part Two
Firi found it quite amusing to watch her friend manically searching the surrounding area. His long Draik tail twitching as he swam from place to place, and his big Draik ears reacting to every sound he heard. It was not the first time Sei had lost his trident (and probably not the last), but he always panicked and was always going on about the dangers of a lost trident.

Also by scherwoodz

by winterdreary


The Warrior Princess: The Coronation: Part Three
Cole watched as Terrence left. Clarity looked upset, but said, ”Mara is back and she’s coming for me. I’m going to leave so she’ll follow me away from the kingdom.” Cole began to panic because he needed his sister for his plan to work. Cole shook his head. ”No. It can’t be true."

by purplbrooke


Blossoms~ Retry Part 8
We shared groceries, so the next step is to share friendship.

by twillieblossom


The Rickety Ship: Q1

by dimartedi

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