Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 193,467,272 Issue: 689 | 10th day of Swimming, Y17
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Detective Alisha: Sparky is Missing! 7

Together at last!

by roxanna203
Sewage Surfer

Good, wholesome fun.

Also by furafa.

by msjanny

Trouble in Paradise: Heat

Afterwards, I gave Kawalaii and Avalanches a stern talking to because laughing at Beeki was wrong.

by chasing_stars44
Poogles & Giggles #2

There really are only four...

by lizzbear_
Tinfoil Madness

Conspiracy theories galore!

Also by madliesa

by bha288

A Tale of Two Kitties: Part 2

Beating the Bullies.

Art by kiwilovesbigbang.

Idea by purplebee2000.

by kiwilovesbigbang

The Kiddie Krusade: Omelette

Look before you eat!

by fancypants200
Color Fail #2

You must be this tall to ride.

Also by susy_ti

by sppyder2


A long-awaited delivery!

by ghostkomorichu
Out of Line

Painting your pet can have unspeakable, horrific consequences.

by narutoluvr935
Wanna Do The Line Dance

Country-Western is way better than North-Eastern Uggh-Ugga_Ugg. Obviously.

by wokitana
The Great Turmaculus


by mousebori
Stock Doing That


by sheepston
Well That's Not Fair

All of the work, none of the glory.

by chylaira
Doc's Odyssey Part 1 - The Adventure Begins

The tale of a scientist trying to get to a meeting...

Written by Homsar_Eggplant.

Drawn by fhujmasterofhedgehog.

by fhujmasterofhedgehog

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"Close Your Eyes and Look to the Skies" by Username
“If you close your eyes and look to the skies, you may catch a glance of her.” That was what Ger’s father had always told him anyways. It wasn’t until the Baby Gelert grew up and told his friends this that he realized what a paradox it was. Close your eyes and look to the skies?! You can’t do both.

Other Stories


Close Your Eyes and Look to the Skies
“If you close your eyes and look to the skies, you may catch a glance of her.” That was what Ger’s father had always told him anyways.

by lugal222


Haunted Adventure
Exiuz, a Checkered Mynci, had always dreamed of becoming an investigator for lost petpets, but it wasn’t in his plans to become one in the Haunted Woods. But regardless of how he felt about being transferred from the serene Mystery Island to the creepiest place imaginable, he had to set those feelings aside and focus his mind on the matter at hand.

by _kiki_93


Flaunt Your Nerdiness: A Customization Guide
I’ve compiled a simple list of items to help you get started. My theme this week is geeky chic. The title of nerd was once a shameful nickname, but now it is worn as a badge of pride. The nerd subculture has grown tremendously over the years. Now your neopet can also revel in their own nerdiness with a wide array of wearables. Perhaps you can even sport matching pocket protectors, eh?

by mustang1772


Book Reviews and Recommendations: Ixi Day Edition
Over the years, we have read a LOT of books, so she and I decided to start reviewing them. This time we decided to review books in honor of Ixi Day (11th day of Swimming), so we invited _Ixiish_, my Ixi, to join us in the book reading and reviewing fun!

by panda_baby150


The Sorceress and the Prisoner: Part One
The mist drifted lazily through Darigan Citadel, a permanent fixture for many years. It was a bleak, dark place, which promised destruction and evil at every corner.

by dudeiloled


The Fire Within: Part Seven
“I intend to destroy Moltara City, the surface lands, even the space station and above. All the way to the top if I must. The purity of the core must be kept.”

by herdygerdy

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