Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 193,467,272 Issue: 689 | 10th day of Swimming, Y17
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Continued Series

The Fire Within: Part Seven

“I intend to destroy Moltara City, the surface lands, even the space station and above. All the way to the top if I must. The purity of the core must be kept.”

by herdygerdy
Faerie Wings III: The Nightmare of Dreamland: Part Five

The last memory she had prior to waking up in Dreamland was falling asleep on her bed in the real world. Now she was in a flower-filled meadow in a place she had never heard of before, talking to a Kougra she had never met before! None of this made sense to Kira, who was now puzzling how she had arrived in Dreamland…

by downrightdude
Mother's Balloon: Part Five

"But how will I live without you? If you cannot stay, then I must go with you."

by dewdropzz
The Door Closes: Part Six

Clouds of sand lash through the sky above, staining most of it orange and a few scarce threads of it red. For the first time, I feel like something I'm going through could be a dream in my dreamless life. So I blink once. Twice. Three times.

Art by ellbot1998

by ellbot1998

The Beginning of the Shadow: Part Four

Zee called after her best friend, but she didn’t get a response. Zee could only stare at her friend’s retreating figure. She slumped back down on the bench, her shoulder sagging.

by sha2196
Arthur: A Weapon's Tale: Part Two

“Yes, I know about these weapons. Immensely powerful, I tell you,”

Collaboration with surath

by trubiekatie

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"Close Your Eyes and Look to the Skies" by Username
“If you close your eyes and look to the skies, you may catch a glance of her.” That was what Ger’s father had always told him anyways. It wasn’t until the Baby Gelert grew up and told his friends this that he realized what a paradox it was. Close your eyes and look to the skies?! You can’t do both.

Other Stories


Pixie the Ixi
Deep into the woods of Meridell, far past anywhere Illusen would dare send a devotee, traveled a pair of Neopets on their own quest.

by sassyxsandra


Open Shore
The sky was still pink with sleep when Xurray went down to the beach. Early that morning the Custard Blumaroo had stared into her bathroom mirror, wondering what beauty there could be in a face that no longer had anyone to admire it.

by swordlilly


The Best Food Items Under 100 Neopoints
re you pets tired of eating jelly and omelettes everyday? Do you want to treat them to something without wasting all of your neopoints? Then you've come to the right place! Here you will be reading about a variety of cheap cheap but delicious Neopet delicacies, all (or most of them) 100 Neopoints or less!

by shyslice


Architecture of Neopia: Altador
To a scholar of Architecture, Altador is without a doubt the pre-eminent land in Neopia. The prevailing style is known as “classical”. For this reason, I ventured to the ancient land where the sultry evening streets are alive, with warming smells and crackling fires heating takeaway speciality hot dogs and fancy fig pastries. The architecture of this realm is often overlooked in favour of the annually held Altador Cup.

by arkwright


Detective Alisha: Sparky is Missing! 7
Together at last!

by roxanna203


A Tale of Two Kitties: Part 2
Beating the Bullies.

Art by kiwilovesbigbang.

Idea by purplebee2000.

by kiwilovesbigbang

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