The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 102,279,292 Issue: 202 | 5th day of Hiding, Y7
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Neopian Neophyte

Where'd it go? o_O

by leedom111
Notions and Nonsense

Next time, I think they should buy a map.

Art by aimeilee

by patjade

Cotton Candy Tree (of Doom!)

Then again, who wants a bottle of sand?

by lingers
Coffee Break- Cake Break

Some neopets obviously take things too seriously.... or is it just the coffee talking?

by isabella462
Rainbow Blues

And some pets wait all their lives to be painted...

by meggyness
Lenny Sack

The ray is fired at Lenny... ZZZAAAAPPPP!

by ickessler
In From the Department of Redundancy Department

Isn't that kind of redundant?

by ruse
Ignoramus Bliss

The paaaaaain. D:

by xxsheltiesrock
The Quest

Congratulations! You just got a quest.

by wings_
Pretty Kitty

Mom said my picture was in the dictionary!!!

by halfwayaddict
Oddly Enough

Odd Collectors o.0

by skypupgoddess
The Pant Devil Strikes

Neopets wear pants too... You just don't see them...

by victoriavp
The Unbelieveable

The downside of being sponge...

by x0xsammehx0x

Is the love onesided?

by stormchaser42
Neopox Pizza

I'm starting to feel sick again...

by apanah
Neotruisms: Hungry Skeith

Truism = an obvious truth. So why do we always forget? :-)

by coruscatebleu
A. B.O.R.N. S.I.T.C.O.M.

Ugg, not another Breadfish!

by wonderweezel
N3oW3IRD Episode 03

Let's go fly a kite!

by neekko
NeoDizzy: All Tied Up


by linzee27
Random Things

Not wanted.

by sky665
Living in Neopia!

Kiko Day...

by sensuke
Usuki Dream..

Are you usukiphobic?...

by lord_axl
Everyday Adventures of Zack Zafara

Don't brag to the Cellblock players... especially not the Warden.

by rufusrockskp

Locked in...

by white_draigon
Deviant: You are who you choose...

Stray's always told me I am who I choose to be, now, she's gonna prove it.

by rekaru

Spyder Spyder Spyder...

by chibikatza

Never ever put the Meerca Chase game near the Neggsweeper game.

by wicked_dragonite
Worst Nightmare

Come on, it could have been dung.

by invaderzim_02
A Late April Fools Cartoon

I've got my eyes peeled...

by crow213

Now with more radiation!

by kesomon
Search the Neopian Times


Feeling the Heat?

Now that summer is in full swing I bet you find yourself constantly looking for ways to escape the heat. Terror Mountain is suddenly a rather appealing place, whereas simply making that daily trip to Coltzan’s Shrine seems like an arduous journey. But never fear! For even on the hottest Neopian days...

Other Stories


The Robot Meetings
Cyber turned his head slowly around, and looked sadly at his room. He magnified his view, but it was hopeless, he could already see there was no furniture in there...

by jumperlilo


Never Take Artifacts from Strange Faeries
On this gloomy day, on the outskirts of the gloomy woods, a faerie Lenny was making his way slowly across the very gloomiest, swampiest part of the dark forest...

by mesmirez


A Grundo Chef's Legacy
Everyone who has eaten at Grundos knows how much Gargarox adores cooking, but that is pretty much all that anyone really knows about him...

by office_chick


Throwing Your Very Own Neopian Times Party
Step One: Who to Invite?

by iamfaq


EndingArrow: Part Seven
A musty scent wafted up from the tunnel, a smell that thoroughly explained the pure age of this burial site in itself. Suddenly the Eyrie called a name down the corridor...

by sara_mossflower


By My Honor: Part Six
Aiad fought the churning of the gales and Tory covered his eyes to protect them from their lashing sting. The clouds before them hissed and whirled...

by laurelinden

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