Meow Circulation: 102,279,292 Issue: 202 | 5th day of Hiding, Y7
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New Series

His Home: Lost but Found - Part One

He slid under the waves just as rain began to drizzle from the sky, pelting the lake furiously...

Also by sarquin

by shadih_temporary

The Return of Celia Synoptics: Part One

"Your majesty," the Space Faerie bowed her head. "The emissaries and parents of the escapee under our protection have arrived."

by appaloosa500
Andover's Quest: Part One

"Gammot?" Andover called softly. "You wanted to see me?"

by hermione_granger1899
The Wishing Jewel: Part One

Outside, faint rays of gentle morning sun warmed Mitara's face, and she smiled. The sounds of a busy day in Meridell reached her ears...

by nut862
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"Eralta and Opessenc's Big Ixi Day" by ratling_guardian
A shaft of light penetrated the living room. Somebody had left the door open. Goody. I groaned and turned over, facing the back of the couch, until something stirred in the back of my head - it was Ixi Day...

Other Stories


Never Take Artifacts from Strange Faeries
On this gloomy day, on the outskirts of the gloomy woods, a faerie Lenny was making his way slowly across the very gloomiest, swampiest part of the dark forest...

by mesmirez


Dear Akira, Dear Rosetta
I can't wait until you come for a visit! Neopian Central is really different from Mystery Island, but I'm sure you'll like it...

Also by sensei_fuzzy

by taipeiss


Put Away Your Collection Jars
While it is admirable to set high standards and goals for yourself, you need to understand that that is exactly what you are doing: setting goals for yourself.

by reissue


Typing Terror Madness: a Guide
In comes a freakish array of clockwork Grundos with words printed on them. With your amazing skill you must type the words to trigger an explosion...

by gwenfrewi


Neotruisms: Hungry Skeith
Truism = an obvious truth. So why do we always forget? :-)

by coruscatebleu


Oddly Enough
Odd Collectors o.0

by skypupgoddess

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