Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 102,279,292 Issue: 202 | 5th day of Hiding, Y7
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Short Stories

The Moigic Toights

After all, it was just water and who in Neopia would buy a pail of water?

Also by extreme_fj0rd

by chocolateisamust

Never Take Artifacts from Strange Faeries

On this gloomy day, on the outskirts of the gloomy woods, a faerie Lenny was making his way slowly across the very gloomiest, swampiest part of the dark forest...

by mesmirez
Battle of the Brushes

As they rounded the last turn in the tunnel, Jenny began to regret her reckless decision. But her regret shriveled away to nothing as she took in the Snowager's lair...

by evilfaerie3400

The Meerca named Jane hugged her best friend. "I promise you a battle." She smiled. "In five years."

by shadowcristal
Helping Leena Home

Danny stumbled backward. "Who's out there?" he called, but there was no answer...

by googlykitten123
Eralta and Opessenc's Big Ixi Day

I groaned and turned over, facing the back of the couch, until something stirred in the back of my head - it was Ixi Day...

by ratling_guardian
Last Minute Shopper

Sheliander and I both agree that the ones that come at closing are usually the worst...

by zephandolf
The Lost City of Geraptiku

"C'mon, Tumba, let's do something. I'm bored stiff just sitting here," Kyra said...

by positive_changes
One Better

"I bet I could beat you there!" Claudia responded, and started to sprint...

by lady_of_the_rohirrim
Dear Akira, Dear Rosetta

I can't wait until you come for a visit! Neopian Central is really different from Mystery Island, but I'm sure you'll like it...

Also by sensei_fuzzy

by taipeiss

The Treasure

I had lost sight of Hollis a while ago, and for a brief moment I thought I heard her calling me, but my answer was lost in the howling wind and swirling snow...

by saddle_potatoe332
The Robot Meetings

Cyber turned his head slowly around, and looked sadly at his room. He magnified his view, but it was hopeless, he could already see there was no furniture in there...

by jumperlilo
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Camo is Cool

We all know Neopia's past trends, whether it be baby, Darigan, plushie, or the most recent trend, grey; nothing will keep your little darling in the social circle like a fresh coat of camouflage. Unlike all those fashion flops, this year's beau is sure to be around for decades to come. For those of you who are skeptical...

Other Stories


25 Ways to Beat the Neopian Heat!!
I hear the water temperature at Kiko Lake is pleasantly cool this time of year...

by sevryn


Put Away Your Collection Jars
While it is admirable to set high standards and goals for yourself, you need to understand that that is exactly what you are doing: setting goals for yourself.

by reissue


A Noteworthy Adventure: Part Three
Sitting lazily on a large, golden throne was an Alien Aisha, a crown perched precariously on top of his bubble-like space helmet...

by cosmicfire918


The Wishing Jewel: Part One
Outside, faint rays of gentle morning sun warmed Mitara's face, and she smiled. The sounds of a busy day in Meridell reached her ears...

by nut862


A Late April Fools Cartoon
I've got my eyes peeled...

by crow213


The Quest
Congratulations! You just got a quest.

by wings_

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