Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 193,488,540 Issue: 693 | 7th day of Hiding, Y17
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Favourite Summer Wearables For Everyone

Everyone loves to dress their Neopet pretty and cool for summer and there are so many choices and colours in our wardrobe to choose from. With this article we will do our best to pick the best clothing and accessories for your favourite Neopet, or maybe for the whole family.


by wokitana

You Got Your Dream Pet, Now What?

Perhaps you have worked hard to earn Neopoints to paint your pet, or traded intensely until you achieved the pet you longed for, either way, you have successfully achieved the pet of your dreams. After all your hard work though, suddenly you are left wondering, now what?

by freckleface130
A Guide to the Legends of Pinball!

Zing! Zong! Ping! Pong! "Legends of Pinball” is very similar to the classic you are probably used to playing, but this version has a Neopian twist to it (of course)! Let’s get you more acquainted with this game so that you can go ahead and play for yourself!

Also by flapjackpax

by facetiousmind

How Neopets Can Help You: A Lifelong Journey

As the summer is winding down, many Neopians are hurriedly attempting to accomplish their goals before the wisps of summer holidays and freedom starts to whiz past them into the distance. As the day darkens and the pace of your mouse’s clicking quickens, don’t fear, little Neopians. For the time spent on Neopets, no matter how big or small the accomplishments earned, can garner quite a few life skills that can be useful to you both on and off a dim yellow screen.

by christielove
Unique Ways To Celebrate On Neopets!

I was browsing the Help Neoboard one day, eager to read the witty and funny replies of my fellow Neopians, when I came across a thread titled "Today is my Neopian birthday!" Inspired by this thread, I thought I'd write an article all about the unique ways in which we can celebrate things on Neopets, ways that aren't even sanctioned by TNT!

by indulgences
A Beginner's Guide to NC Trading

Did you win a Basic Gift Box from Trudy's Surprise? Have you wandered over to the NC Mall Chat, only to find yourself bewildered by the lingo and conventions? Welcome to my Beginner's Guide to NC Trading.

by swordlilly
Interview with the Darkest Knight

The Darkest Knight is not a very well known character, but I'm here to shed some light on him!

by gorubeza
Top Ten Blumaroo Items

Just in time for Blumaroo Day!

Also by 987654321_hj.

by sugarycupcakes

Rainbow Pool Panic

All around Neopia, reports have been flooding in about a rogue band of Meepits attacking the Rainbow Pool in order to keep new pet colors from arriving to all the Neopets in Neopia. Several pet colors have managed to slip past the close watch of the Meepit army, but others have not managed as well and are still plotting on how to make it to the Rainbow Pool without having to battle with the ferocious army. The battle is constant and Neopia deserves to be informed of the current ongoing struggle for power, and the everlasting hope for peace.

by kadathewolf
Top Ten Summer Activites

Need somewhere to rest your head this August? Or are you simply eager for adventure? Fear not! By the end of this guide you will be set.

Also by dunepeaches

by parceltongue

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Top Ten Items For Blumaroo Day

With the excitement of the summer beginning to dwindle down, we can’t forget about one very important holiday: Blumaroo Day! If you own a Blumaroo, you may just want to spoil them. I’m here to help you do just that with a list of top ten Blumaroo items in Neopia.

Other Stories


Transformation Misunderstandings
Ophelia the Kyrii was doing what she did best and seemingly without end: talking and brushing her hair. Morry didn’t know how she had the hair or the vocal strength to keep going on like she did, but she certainly did keep going, with a big smile on her face to boot.

by hybatsu


The Hidden Tower's Hidden Room
Yellow_Cheese_Burger was, by all means, a normal Island Aisha. His companion, however, was one of the most powerful and unique beings in all of Neopia: Queen Fyora. He walked quickly alongside Fyora, a clipboard in his hand as he quickly scribbled down the faerie’s instructions.

by goodsigns


The Adventures of Trina: The Awakening: Part Four
The trio used the trees as their cover. With each step, more pirates became visible to them, many carrying weapons. The scattered pirates all marched in the opposite direction in which Trina was headed. The rain lessened as a black silhouette—a castle—rose into the scene. For the pirate’s headquarters, Trina declared, it appeared to be just as bad as them.

by ummagine3284


Destiny: Part Two
Most people with Talent are content to spend their lives perfecting their skills. Some, however, would have finished doing so at some point in their lives and would only be too happy to demonstrate the extent of their powers. But fewer yet are people who actually manage to learn a new skill. Zaldron was one of these lucky few.

by sampleneopian


Do Not Awake The Snowager!
Please, sir!

by kjjdavid


f it's any consolation, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Also by victordoid

by msjanny

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