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Hey! I just wanted to say that a lot of people (I think its fair to say everyone) would like an option to change their neopets name! Perhaps this could be a neocash item that allows you to give your pet a new name when you use it, what do you think? Could we put this into play? :) ~ sadboyy
Hi, we were actually talking about this pretty recently! The ability to change your Neopet's name definitely something we'd like to do, but it’s a big undertaking. It'll take us some time to get to it and make sure it doesn't give your pets too much of an identity crisis, but it's something we are thinking of down the line.

Hi Country Queen! I was super excited when the Glowing Quiggle outfit was released on Quiggle day this year (I love it, well done TNT!) but I haven't been able to find them anywhere, in shops or in the trades. Have they been activated? Thanks! ~ yukitora_exe
Voila! Yes they have. You think they'd be easier to spot, glowing and all, but they should definitely be around now!

Hi! I saw a screenshot floating around recently where someone's submission to the NT was rejected because there were "too many good entries". I thought the policy was that it was either rejected because it was not appropriate material, or if it didn't get in, it would be "held over". Is this some new policy? ~ rissy123
Hi! Nope, there are lots of reasons a submission can be rejected, so that I can give the best feedback possible to help get your submission in! Sometimes, I just have a lot of entries on my plate and can't accept them all, or else you'd be held over forever!

Hello! *throws cookies* I am the proud owner of a Plushie Pteri; she's one of my favorite pets. However, poor Darns seems to be conflicted on what her eye color is! Darns sometimes has cute, red button eyes, but Darns also sometimes has blue eyes. Could somebody please get Darns to decide on an eye color? Thanks! ~ neomone43
Have no fear, Darns can see clearly once more! Well, maybe not. Buttons probably don't work as well as actual eyes, but they are darn cute, so it's worth it.

Hi TNT! *waves* Are there any plans to release more colors or clothing options for Vandagyres? My poor Vanda is wearing her christmas clothes in the summer! ~ the_lounge
Hi! *waves back* Christmas clothes? In the summer?! Your poor Vandagyre must be practically overheating! Any clothing item that is not species-specific since the Vandagyre's release can be worn by them, so you have 9 months of choices! Go wild!

Hello TNT! Awhile ago, long before the transition, an Editorial stated that users might soon get a third gender option. Since the "Robot" gender glitch has been happening with new accounts, I was wondering if you could create that as an option to older accounts as well? Or an option to hide gender for those of us who are non-binary or private people? Thank you! ~milkyweaselcakes
Hi, so the "Robot" gender is what happens if you don't pick a gender, which is what the glitch causes, not cool! We're looking into that to get it fixed. We're also looking at adding an "Other" option for users once we fix it (because why do it before if no one can use it?). So hang tight for a bit, our poor database Mynci's are going as fast as they can to get this on the way!

Since I was unable to adopt a Baby Lupe due to the battledome glitch, could you please end this editorial with the most adorable Baby Lupe picture ever? Please remove my username ^_^ ~username removed
Sorry about that! It should be back up and running soon, and to hopefully cheer you up in the meantime…

Is anything cuter than a baby Lupe in a box?!

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