Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 193,488,540 Issue: 693 | 7th day of Hiding, Y17
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Continued Series

Faerie Wings III: The Nightmare of Dreamland: Part Nine

Kira shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. Are you even sure Fyora’s still monitoring Dreamland?”

“Well somebody out there is monitoring our every move,” Aiken insisted. “How else do you think that tornado was formed? Some faerie in the real world created it to mess with us!”

by downrightdude

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Targeted Heiress: Part Three

What on Neopia should we do? We couldn't just leave him here! He could be the one targeting Mae for all we knew! If he was the Neopet who we were after, we could be in major danger when he woke up. If not, we really needed to ask some questions.

by chasing_stars44
Mother's Balloon: Part Nine

Reyela looked from Kougra, to Kougra, to Yurble hoping for an explanation of the oddness that was unfolding before her eyes. She was provided with nothing of the sort, until the party began to move again and she got to speak to Medis.

by dewdropzz
The Adventures of Trina: The Awakening: Part Four

The trio used the trees as their cover. With each step, more pirates became visible to them, many carrying weapons. The scattered pirates all marched in the opposite direction in which Trina was headed. The rain lessened as a black silhouette—a castle—rose into the scene. For the pirate’s headquarters, Trina declared, it appeared to be just as bad as them.

by ummagine3284
The Sorceress and the Prisoner: Part Five

Jeran stared at himself in the mirror. He was wearing his full, steel armour. As he put on his helmet and held both his sword and shield, he saw himself for who he really was. A knight of Meridell, strong on the outside, but breaking on the inside.

by dudeiloled
Destiny: Part Two

Most people with Talent are content to spend their lives perfecting their skills. Some, however, would have finished doing so at some point in their lives and would only be too happy to demonstrate the extent of their powers. But fewer yet are people who actually manage to learn a new skill. Zaldron was one of these lucky few.

by sampleneopian
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You Got Your Dream Pet, Now What?

Perhaps you have worked hard to earn Neopoints to paint your pet, or traded intensely until you achieved the pet you longed for, either way, you have successfully achieved the pet of your dreams. After all your hard work though, suddenly you are left wondering, now what?

Other Stories


The Hidden Tower's Hidden Room
Yellow_Cheese_Burger was, by all means, a normal Island Aisha. His companion, however, was one of the most powerful and unique beings in all of Neopia: Queen Fyora. He walked quickly alongside Fyora, a clipboard in his hand as he quickly scribbled down the faerie’s instructions.

by goodsigns


Transformation Misunderstandings
Ophelia the Kyrii was doing what she did best and seemingly without end: talking and brushing her hair. Morry didn’t know how she had the hair or the vocal strength to keep going on like she did, but she certainly did keep going, with a big smile on her face to boot.

by hybatsu


Top Ten Blumaroo Items
Just in time for Blumaroo Day!

Also by 987654321_hj.

by sugarycupcakes


Unique Ways To Celebrate On Neopets!
I was browsing the Help Neoboard one day, eager to read the witty and funny replies of my fellow Neopians, when I came across a thread titled "Today is my Neopian birthday!" Inspired by this thread, I thought I'd write an article all about the unique ways in which we can celebrate things on Neopets, ways that aren't even sanctioned by TNT!

by indulgences


Do Not Awake The Snowager!
Please, sir!

by kjjdavid


f it's any consolation, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Also by victordoid

by msjanny

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