Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 184,475,305 Issue: 466 | 22nd day of Collecting, Y12
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Finding Neopia's News

A rookie reporter's guide to getting even the most frigid Terror Mountain dwellers to talk.

by garbot
The Auction House: The House That Never Sleeps

Here, you can put items up for auction or bid on items auctioned off by other Neopians.

by psychicstarstorm
A Comprehensive Storytelling Guide: Part Two

If there's not some sort of twist, revelation, or major action in your part, you probably didn't progress the story.

by phadalusfish
Winning at Wicked Wocky Wobble!

A Wocky named Wallace has a problem – he's obsessed with collecting junk!

by mattdoyle622
100 Perfumes to Buy or Avoid!

Some of these perfumes may just make your neopet the hippest on the block. Not to mention the fanciest!

by wandering_grapefruit
Advanced Key Quest Mini-Game Strategies Part 2

Still struggling with Key Quest Mini Games? This article should be able to help turn your board upside down!

by mastertrainer9750
The Guide to a Perfect Neopian Holiday

Brightvale or Mystery Island? Take this quiz to find out!

by michelle_ou123

There is a whole array of higher and lower foreground items, backgrounds and other accessories that, when combined with the eye for fashion and honest enthusiasm, can turn a sad, drab pet into a Neopian Style Icon.

by bavardage
Extensive Guide to The Art Gallery

Ever wonder how those artists do it? This extensive guide is the perfect place to start.

by saphireblue3
Interview with Members from The Faeries Ruin Plot

King Jazan: Can't you see that I'm busy right now? Go away before something... unpleasant happens to you.

by bedbugz
Choosing the Right Sweets: Chocolate Edition

For all you candy enthusiasts out there...

by snoopyj1
Kat's Halloween Reads

This Halloween, after you go trick-or-treating, why not settle down for a few scary stories while you munch on the night's collected sugary booty?

by bittersweet52
A Guide to Halloween Decorating!

Making your Neohome spooktacular can be tricky if you are on a budget, so I have made a list of 12 frightful, spooktastic, and affordable Neohome items that will transform your house into a haunted mansion!

by xoxkar
Wraith to the End: A Faeries' Ruin Battling Guide

You may have noticed some changes around the Battledome; don't be alarmed because this is a good thing.

by stoicjohn
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"The Volunteer" by ohitsjessi
"What sort of project? Does it involve buying things? I haven't been to the Faerieland shops in forever, you know!" Tara laughed again and my face fell. I could've guessed it wasn't going to be very pleasing, but I assumed Tara wouldn't want to put me through too much misery. That's why I never expected her to say what she did next. "Remember how I tried volunteering at the Pound over the summer?"

Other Stories


"I found her at the pound, looking as sad as can be...."

by writingdreams22


I didn't believe in SoulOwners.

by chazer_rem


The Sorcery Society: Part Five
"So, why in the world does a shadow Wocky such as yourself have my son's journal?"

by iris220_ll


The House on the Hill: Part Two
"Bruno!" the Skeith said, ushering his eldest son into the house. "Come in! How have you been?"

by izziemushroom


Oh My Lanta
Kids these days...

by noobspeak


How to save a spot on the party guest list part 3/4
You might want to remember these things.

by agentwerehog

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